Saturday, February 16, 2013


We are finally getting some rain tonight!  Yay!  So far it's nothing heavy, just a little patter on my tin roof, but enough to settle all of the yellow pollen that covers everything lately.

When I was back in the US for Christmas, watching the news really annoyed me.  A few days ago I was heard about the cruise ship that had problems and the same feeling came over me.  Today I finally identified why I felt annoyed.

North Americans are going nuts talking about this cruise ship and yes, I imagine it was not the fun experience those people hoped for when they paid for the cruise.  But gosh!  There are so many worse things in life.  And yet the news makes the stupidest things seem so important.  Was anyone's life endangered?  No.  They had to eat COLD food.  (Excuse my sarcasm for a moment.)  HORRORS!!  COLD FOOD!

I really don't think I will be able to watch North American news again.  At least not for a while.  I know too many people who go with no food at all.  At the Breakfast Program, I eat alone in my classroom almost every day.  Why?  Because if I pull out my bologna and cheese sandwiches in front of others, they all think I am eating something really extravagant.  And I feel horrible.  Eating bologna and cheese.  Especially if it has lettuce.

I don't think anyone in Los Pinos has a bathroom or running water in their homes.

Some of my other friends here are blessed to live in nice homes, but they can't afford to pay for basic medical necesities - meds, surgeries, physical therapy.  And they go without food sometimes too, although I never hear about it until afterward.  I am thinking now of people with whom I serve - not people in Los Pinos.  So, once I knew they made it home safely, hearing stories about people who had bad luck on a cruise ship just doesn't seem important to me anymore.

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