Sunday, October 13, 2013

Swimming Lessons

This morning I missed a 5K run for breast cancer because I had to go to my prediscipleship group.  It would have been fun, but we are not allowed to miss these meetings.  They are mandatory before we can join a small group.

The nutritionist spoke at church today.  She gave her testimony.  Eunice's daughter translated for her.  I was glad it wasn't me translating.  The doctor spoke for a long time before she stopped to allow Elienai to translate what she just said.  I'm not sure I could have recapped it all in English, never mind in Spanish.  Elienai did a great job.

Marlin and I talked a few times this morning.  Dr. Gustavo said it is normal that the baby is not with Marlin until after the doctors make their rounds.  Marlin had her baby Friday afternoon.  The doctors don't make rounds over the weekend.  So we are hoping that tomorrow after rounds Marlin will finally have her baby in her arms.  I am even hoping that Marlin and the baby could be discharged tomorrow.

I am supposed to take my car into the shop for some work tomorrow, but I want to have the car in case Marlin is discharged.  I don't want her to have to ride home on the bus with her new baby.  I'd like to pick her up.  Looks like I'll have to put off the car mechanic for another week.

Today one of the church leaders told me that we will start the swim program the second week of November!  I will be the swim coach.  Finally, something familiar!  I taught kids to swim for many years.  This will be fun.  I need to think of one person who can help me.  It has to be someone who will is available every day.  The swim program is going to be every weekday from November until January because that is when we can have free busing.

I was looking into visiting the US for Thanksgiving, my bday, and my nephew's birthday.  Unfortunately, that falls right when the swimming program would start.  Looks like I won't make it back until June.

We are thinking we will have 7 kids per group.  That sounds very manageable to me.  The groups will be divided by ages.  A different group will go each day.  We may even send 2 groups per day.  That's a lot of kids who will learn to swim!  I am excited.

The leaders also told me that they will talk with me in the next 2 weeks about how the church can most benefit from my strengths and experience.  I am looking forward to serve in new ways.  I am willing to step outside of my comfort zone and serve in any way I am needed.  But I think I could be more effective serving in ways that God has gifted me.  Excited for the future!

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