Sunday, December 29, 2013

Gym and cookies

I should be at church right now, but I'm not.  Woke up at 4 a.m. this morning with some sort of stomach thing.  Apparently it was short lived because I felt better by 10 a.m.  Jetty had a little something too.  She threw up on my bed.  At least I was already awake to clean it all up.

Yesterday I went to the gym and was very excited when I did 4 miles in 39 minutes.  I coasted through the last one or I would have been even faster.  Haven't run 10 minute miles since I worked out with the trainer in the US two years ago.  I started working out here, in Honduras, on Nov 6.  Then took 10 days off in December when my first month was over because I didn't want to pay for another month if I was going to the US for Christmas.  In less than 6 weeks I see a huge difference!

I have to admit, I was thinking back to the days when my ski team coach had us outdoors in the freezing cold, running 5 miles to warm up before we even started practice.  That sure was a long time ago.  Today I am a little sore, but that is because I have been integrating weights for the past 2 days.

It was hot and sunny for two days so my truck stayed clean for a whole 24 hours.  Then it rained all night last night.  Maybe I won't drive anywhere today.

Tomorrow gym, then cookie baking, then cookie delivering.  I only have to buy eggs in order to make all of the same cookies I made for Christmas, so it won't even cost any money!

My internet reception has been sparse, so in case I can't write again before Wednesday, Happy New Year!

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