Monday, January 20, 2014

Dancing the PRAISE GOD! dance

My Aunt Cathy's surgery was a success!!!  They completed 4 of the 6 bypasses.  Doctors said they didn't do the other 2 because she didn't need them!  They expect her to recover well.  Praise be to God.  Funny.  Last night when I talked to my Aunt Cath, she said maybe they would open her up and find that she didn't really need the surgery.  I told her that we could pray for that.  And look - she didn't need 2 of the 6 bypasses!

Today I finally got my butt back into the gym.  Eight days away makes a difference.  My body was no longer craving exercise.  It was dreading it.  But I dragged myself there.  Back up to just over 10 minutes per mile.  Bummer.  But I'll work on that.

My friends finally shared their photos from when we went to Tela to the beach.  Maybe this was one instance I was happy that I don't have a camera.  Let me just say the photos were a good inspiration and motivating factor to get me back into the gym.  When we went to Tela I had only been working out a few weeks and it showed.  My cousin's wedding is in a month and two days in Guatemala.  I will look better in those pictures!

Today my landlord told me she is selling land she owns up here in the mountains.  I told her, No!  Wait until I find my husband and then he and I can buy your land.  We both got a good laugh out of that.  Then she asked if I had any prospects and I told her no.  None at all.  But God has someone waiting for me.

Well, I really wanted to share the good news about my Aunt Cathy.  So there you have it.  A very. very difficult surgery, but with God's hand guiding the whole procedure everything turned out well.  Now I have to go do my PRAISE GOD dance!

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