Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Working out at the gym when I am thinking about my Aunt in surgery is much more productive than working out when I am grateful.  I was SLOW today.  But grateful!  Mom went to visit my Aunt this morning.  I haven't heard anything from my Mom yet, but the doctors said Aunt Cathy was sitting up in a chair this morning when another Aunt called to see how Aunt Cathy was doing.

Watched a motorcycle rear-end a taxi on the way home from the gym.  He must have been going fast.  But also the taxi did stop, as they commonly do, abruptly in the middle of the road.  There was a big dent in the back fender from the guy on the motorcycle.  The driver was fine.  Might feel a little whiplash tomorrow.

Must have been "crazier than usual driver day" - which is hard to do in Honduras, because every day here is crazy driver day.  I was in the right lane with my turn signal on just about to turn right and a van in the lane left of me, beeped then turned right at the corner, completely cutting me off and almost causing me to hit him!  I laid on my horn.  Then, a little too late, I remembered the story Marcela told me while we were walking last week.

Her friend was at a stop light.  The light turned green.  There was one car in front of her friend's car.  He didn't move.  She sat where she was, waiting for him.  Finally he got out of his car with a gun and came to her window.  He told her she was lucky she didn't beep at him because if she had he would have used the gun on her.  I need to remember not to beep anymore.  But sometimes it's natural instinct!  An instinct I need to lose.

Still missing the Ohio team.  I have a cool story.  I think I told you that the toothbrushes they brought, and some crafts they had, and money they discovered, and other things were multiplying while they were here.  Well, at the end of church on Sunday one of the team members said to me, "This isn't much, but we wanted to support you here in Honduras."  For me, nothing is too little but I think many people don't understand that.  Anyway, I thanked the person and stuck the money in my pocket.  Later as I was buying cheese for Christian I felt around in my pockets and pulled out the money they had given me.  What I saw was a $20 bill in US currency, which I could not use to pay the cheese lady (she doesn't accept US currency), but for which I was grateful.

That afternoon I went to the airport with Jose and Karla to pick up Karla's co-worker.  As we were all digging through our pockets for money to pay the parking attendant I had a pleasant surprise.  What I thought was a 20 dollar bill was actually a 50 dollar bill!  It was almost like receiving 2 gifts in one!  I got to be happy and grateful all over again.  I still wonder if the person gave me a 20 or a 50.  I'll have to ask when we have contact again.

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