Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Let it Go

Some days I don't write because I feel like there is nothing to say.  But lately I haven't been writing because I have so much to say that I don't know where to start.

Since the list is getting bigger and bigger, I thought I'd give it a quick start tonight and see how it goes.

Everyone who knows me knows that I have always been an anxious person.  I remember lying in my bed feeling anxious and not knowing why when I was in second grade.

When I went to the US in December, one person after another, everywhere I went, said that I look different.  Some described it as more happy.  Some as peaceful.  One person said that I have always had a "heavy" feeling around me that is no longer there.  My Mom said she hasn't seen me as happy and relaxed since I was 10 or 12 years old.

So what happened? Is it new facial cream?  A haircut?  Perhaps anti-anxiety meds?

The answer is...  none of the above.

The true answer is that for the first time in my life, I have learned to give everything over to God.  I spent most of November deep in prayer and seeking His will.  This is the result.

I have finally learned to place my whole life in God's hands.  Now that I know how it feels to let go of control, I surely don't want it back!  It's a huge relief to know my life is not in my own hands.  He will do a better job with it than I ever could.

No need to worry about heavy traffic on the way to the airport.  If I am supposed to get on the plane, I will.  If I am not, I won't.  I did all I can do by leaving at a reasonable time.

Driving in a snow storm?  What do I actually have control over? The car has snow tires.  I am driving slowly and carefully.  The rest is in God's hands.

I have learned that I cannot control how people act or respond.  I cannot control what others think or say.  Actually I cannot control much of anything.  And that is fine.  Because most things that I used to be concerned about are really not my problem to begin with.

So, if you want to have people constantly tell you that you look happier, peaceful, well-rested, and relaxed I have the answer for you!  Give your life to God.  Place everything in His hands.  Have faith that He wants the best for you and that He will show you the path He wants you to take.  Pray and listen.  He will talk to you.  Ask Him questions.  He will answer!

Enough for tonight.  That should give you something to chew on.  Are you anxious?  Do you want to look years younger?  Do you want to be happier?  More peaceful?  Enjoy and appreciate each day more than ever before?

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