Saturday, March 19, 2016

Car Maintenance

Yesterday I finally had new tires put on my car. I've been driving since at least Sunday with a huge hole in one tire. Praise God it didn't explode, and that I am able to ride most places with security so I don't drive as much anymore.

Yesterday morning I asked Fany if she thought the tire place would be packed after work. This week everyone is on vacation and they all leave the city to go to the beach or visit family in the country.

I said, "Fany, do you think everyone will be at the tire shop buying new tires so they can travel for Semana Santa?"

Fany laughed. She said, "Mary Lynn, you know that we don't think about our tires until they are already flat and we are stuck on the side of the road."

She's right, I thought. But I called the shop just in case. It was empty. I got my new tires with no wait.

Today I took the car to the mechanic because even with the new tires, it was pulling to the right. It was just aligned a couple of weeks ago. He took the car out for a drive and confirmed it was pulling to the right. I told him about my conversation with Fany. We noticed three cars broken down on the side of the road, one with an obviously messed up tire. Two more cars were driving on a big highway with their flashers on, going only about 20 mph.

He said that yesterday at 4 pm a lady called and was obviously trying to butter him up. She told him that her kids had their suitcases packed and her grandkids were already in their bathing suits. He told her, "How nice! Are you inviting me to go on vacation with you?"  She wanted him to take a quick look at her car before they left.

He said, "No, I don't have time. I have cars here that I've been working on all week." She thought he was joking. He assured her he was not joking and told her that he didn't even want to see her car because if anything DID go wrong with it, she had not left time for him to fix it, and he did not want to be responsible if it broke down while they were traveling. She was angry.

He said to me, "She should have checked her car before she packed her bags and let the grandkids put on bathing suits." I told him that's how I was raised.

I took my car to him two Mondays ago because I knew this week would be busy and next week everything will be closed for Semana Santa. He appreciates the way I take care of my car, although he does make fun of me a little, in a joking way, for keeping it so clean.

However, if my car were broken down on the side of the road I know that he would come and take care of it because he knows that I do everything I can to keep my car running right. For people who only call after they are packed and ready to leave on vacation he has much less patience.

Today is the first day of vacation. Since everyone travels, we don't have work again until next Tuesday! Things run a little slower in Honduras. Semana Santa ends Sunday, but people need that extra day to get themselves, and their cars, home.

On a separate note, somehow I have fleas. Thursday they bit me 28 times on one shoulder. Last night they bit my leg and back. The cat doesn't have fleas, but I do. And the diarrhea is lingering. I took a pill that gets rid of parasites. Ana says her whole family has diarrhea so now I think it's a bug. Normally my stomach is strong as iron, but I must admit this has thrown me for a loop.

And one last thing - Erika called this afternoon. The baby is constipated and didn't poop for 4-5 days. The doctor told her this is normal, but Erika is worried. (Good for her!) She also said that her 13 year old sister who dropped out of school did go to Karla's club today. Not only that, she had a good time and plans to go back. That made my day. At least Kenya will be involved in one positive activity. One step at a time...

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