Sunday, September 25, 2016


As usual, I have written a bunch of posts for you in my mind, but simply haven't had a moment to sit down and write. It's been a super busy week and every bit of it was good.

The retreat was FABULOUS AMAZING FUN RELAXING EDUCATIONAL and GREAT! It couldn't have been better. We had several speakers, spent one afternoon in physical competitions and had a talent show. My boss was in the same group as me for the games. Our team won. Then we also won the talent show with our team from Impacto Juvenil! I've never won so many things in my life.

I loved bonding with my team and getting to know the rest of the people who serve in the different programs within our organization. I see them every Monday in our devotional and then we all go our separate ways.

It was strange that some of them have body guards 24 hours/day. I saw the inside of an armored car for the first time. I would hate having guards hanging around me all day. It would drive me insane. Even as we played games, the guards were always there.

On the last day a Pastor spoke about what it is to be a "Cristiano Valiente" (brave Christian). To me, most of my coworkers are exactly this. They are giving up so much to fight for the rights of others. I admire and respect them immensely. It was an honor to be invited to the retreat with them. I got some great photos of them, but I can't share those photos because if my coworkers and I are seen with some of our other coworkers, our lives could be in danger. Sad and scary.

As we left my boss thanked me for coming and for having such a good time. I was happy she could see how much I enjoyed myself. I got home two days ago and I am still full of smiles as I think back over our work retreat.

The location was gorgeous.

My sports team for the afternoon. My boss is the blonde lady.
She came to Honduras 20+ years ago as a missionary from Sweden.


My coworker dressed up as my boss for our performance in the talent show. It was hilarious.

This group called themselves Studio 54

My friend and my boss lead the music

I loved that the picture in the background is titled "courage"
because these two people keep us safe every day. 

The paid employees of Impacto Juvenil, plus me!
There was not enough money for the other volunteers or interns to attend.

Saturday morning I had a special meeting with the young man who is running a dance ministry within our church. He and his family just joined our church. Pastora Ruth decided to allow him to start a dance/praise class but she is unable to supervise it. I started going just to play my violin for them, but I felt my role changing and talked to Pastora Ruth about it. She was thinking the same exact thing I was, although we had never talked about it.

I still play the violin, but now I am also supervising the class on behalf of the church and the young man as he learns how to teach and serve others. This position comes with challenges, but as long as I keep communication open I believe it will be okay.

A few weeks ago Pastor Paysen prayed over me and asked God to help me step into my leadership role in the church. And now, here I am! That night God told me to say yes to more opportunities that are offered to me. I'm doing that - saying yes to new things. Contrary to my natural instincts I'm playing the violin in public, supervising the dance class, and this week I will write my first article for the newsletter to English speaking donors at my work. It is really fulfilling and it honors God when I live up to my full potential.

Today Pastora Ruth's Mom came to church for the first time in months. She has been really sick. Just last week I said that I was sad to see her empty seat every week. This week, there she was! They had to carry her, but she sat through the whole service and seemed to be alert and attentive the whole time.

I even got her to smile for a photo:

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