It started raining today sometime in the early afternoon. I was doing some work (or maybe writing my last blog entry) when it started. At one point I was ready to go home, but after Tony's experience with two flat tires in three hours during the last heavy rain I figured I would wait it out.
At one point the rain let up temporarily, but Muncho, my taxi driver, didn't answer his phone. And then it started raining again. After 3 hours I finally tried calling again. When he tried to pull into the church driveway I thought his car was going to get swept away by the flood running down the street. He ended up stopping in the middle of the road, where the road was highest and the water was lowest to let me in.
He immediately said he does not usually work when it is raining. I explained that I know how dangerous it is because of Tony's two flat tires from pot holes that were hidden by the rain last week. Meanwhile we're driving down streets that are absolutely flooded with more rain coming down the mountains and pouring out from between the houses like huge waterfalls. I tried to take a picture, but for some reason it didn't work. The picture above is just looking outside from the office to the church.
Anyway, Muncho and I both got home safely - he lives right up the street. I paid him some extra money and told him that I appreciate that he came to get me. He said to call him when I need a ride tomorrow, and I told him it will be a little earlier because we are serving pancakes tomorrow!
An added sidenote: I think the add for Geico insurance is not as crazy as it may seem. Last night I noticed a small little lizard, I assumed it was a geiko, on the living room wall. Now I see a bigger one crawling along the top of the wall in my bedroom and it does talk!!! It makes little clicking/churping sounds like a squirrel. The funny thing is that yesterday I heard the same sound and I asked Jose what it was. He told me it was a bird. Does he think I'd be scared of a geiko or did he not hear the same sound that I was asking about? Anyway geikos can talk in their own geiko lanuage. I'm listening to it right now.