Today is a day I have been dreading for a while. The 13th of July. I have been dreading this day because this day marks my last month here. I have to leave on the 13th of August. Tony suggested I stay and pay for a visa, but I really am broke and I also have a wedding to get home for. If I found a job and Kate's wedding wasn't coming up...???
I spent the morning at the breakfast program. Bismar had a bright orange cast on his arm. He asked a select few to sign it. (I was one! :)
I am stressed out about money and finding a job when I get home. My heart has started doing it's crazy palpitation thing again, but I have my meds for it. I just hate taking them because without fail, every time I take them people ask me through out the day if I am tired or what is wrong. Last night I took one, waited an hour, and had to take another (as prescribed). This morning first Karla and then Muncho (twice during a 10 minute cab ride) asked me why I look so tired. I sent out an email to friends at home today who might have job connections and asked them to keep an eye open for ANYTHING for me. I am seriously going to be broke when I get back. I'll have to take any job(s) I can find.
Karla is working like a crazy person. Since last Wednesday I am not sure she's gotten more than 2 hours of sleep each day. I don't know how she does it. Karina has been helping Karla. Karla gets resumes sent to her from the bank she works for. She reads through them (some are more than 30 pages!) prints them out, and then goes through and grades them according to experience. Down here everyone puts their age and a photo on their resumes. No such thing as keeping them short. Then she turns them into the bank with a numerical score for the bank to go b
Tomorrow I will be at the breakfast program again. I didn't hear from Anna yet about how her first day back at work was, or when I can start with her. Tony called tonight and asked if I'd mind being on my own there tomorrow because he wants to go in search of Carlos. I'll let you know how that turns out.
Some of the kids went back to school for the first time today. Tony went up to the other school to ask what is going on and was told by the principal that the kids who go to that school may not have teachers for the rest of the year! The teachers in that school support ex-president Mel and are refusing to work. The other school is already packed and it's only 3 tiny rooms to begin with, so I don't know where/if most of the kids in the breakfast program will go to school this year.
They are also starting an English class for the kids every Tuesday evening for the first 25 who turn in their permission forms. There will be 6 teachers - so about 4 kids per teacher. Tony emphasized that the class is not meant to be fun, it is meant for the kids who really want to learn English and will attend every week. They seemed excited about it. I collected the first permission slip at 12:30, which was cool since we handed them out at about 11:30.
I spent the morning at the breakfast program. Bismar had a bright orange cast on his arm. He asked a select few to sign it. (I was one! :)
I am stressed out about money and finding a job when I get home. My heart has started doing it's crazy palpitation thing again, but I have my meds for it. I just hate taking them because without fail, every time I take them people ask me through out the day if I am tired or what is wrong. Last night I took one, waited an hour, and had to take another (as prescribed). This morning first Karla and then Muncho (twice during a 10 minute cab ride) asked me why I look so tired. I sent out an email to friends at home today who might have job connections and asked them to keep an eye open for ANYTHING for me. I am seriously going to be broke when I get back. I'll have to take any job(s) I can find.
Karla is working like a crazy person. Since last Wednesday I am not sure she's gotten more than 2 hours of sleep each day. I don't know how she does it. Karina has been helping Karla. Karla gets resumes sent to her from the bank she works for. She reads through them (some are more than 30 pages!) prints them out, and then goes through and grades them according to experience. Down here everyone puts their age and a photo on their resumes. No such thing as keeping them short. Then she turns them into the bank with a numerical score for the bank to go b

Tomorrow I will be at the breakfast program again. I didn't hear from Anna yet about how her first day back at work was, or when I can start with her. Tony called tonight and asked if I'd mind being on my own there tomorrow because he wants to go in search of Carlos. I'll let you know how that turns out.
Some of the kids went back to school for the first time today. Tony went up to the other school to ask what is going on and was told by the principal that the kids who go to that school may not have teachers for the rest of the year! The teachers in that school support ex-president Mel and are refusing to work. The other school is already packed and it's only 3 tiny rooms to begin with, so I don't know where/if most of the kids in the breakfast program will go to school this year.
They are also starting an English class for the kids every Tuesday evening for the first 25 who turn in their permission forms. There will be 6 teachers - so about 4 kids per teacher. Tony emphasized that the class is not meant to be fun, it is meant for the kids who really want to learn English and will attend every week. They seemed excited about it. I collected the first permission slip at 12:30, which was cool since we handed them out at about 11:30.