This week has been interesting at Buen Provecho. Usually I am busy doing other things and I really don't go down to the soccer field (ie. parking lot) often. But yesterday Belinda notified me that she could not be at the church.
I got there on time and there were already a group a kids outside. I parked and went down to let them in. As they came through the gate a little guy who is fairly new told me that an older boy and his younger brother were new today. I welcomed them and told them I hoped we would see them from now on. They asked if they have to come every day. I said no, but it is best.
The whole group wanted to play soccer, so I figured I would go down with them. Especially since the biggest, strongest boy was brand new. Soccer on the streets is different from soccer in the church and the new boy could not be expected to understand the rules of the church on his first day.
They didn't end up playing soccer. They ended up sitting and talking with me. It was fun and funny. We are all sick with colds, so we were coughing and sniffling. The new big boy (Cristian) was there with another boy who has only been coming for a week (Junior). Both are rough around the edges, streetwise, and have younger siblings who are more calm. Lucky for me, they both took to me right away and I had no problems with them at all. I did have to tell the biggest boy not to smack his little brother in the head. But he understood and that was that.
They had clearly been taught excellent manners somewhere. The little brother was the only one in a whole group of kids crowded around me who knew (after two years of us teaching this in the program) that the magic word is "por favor". When I complimented him on his manners he said he always says, "Por Favor, De Nada and Gracias". I will enjoy smoothing out the rough edges of these sweet boys.
Junior, who brought the two new guys, is so funny! He has only been coming for a week or two. He kept trying to tickle me and he was full of jokes. He put flowers in my hair. He told me to touch my nose, then he honked my nose. He pulled up the front of his shoes, the part that should have covered his toes, opened it up like a mouth and told me that his shoe was hungry. Lucky for him, he said his shoes like spaghetti, which is what we ate yesterday. I can tell he can really be a handful, but for me it was almost love at first sight. Kids like him are always my favorite.
Junior's younger sister is Julisa. She is very pretty but clearly malnourished. Last week she couldn't eat the fried tortillas because her teeth are so bad. She can eat only soft food. She is seven years old. Yesterday Junior told me he is 12. But today when I introduced them to Belinda, he said he was eight. I said that is strange because yesterday he said he was 12. Belinda asked whether he was eight or 12. He is a tiny little guy, not any taller than his seven year old sister. But much more street wise. Junior said he is 12, but he is embarrassed to say he is 12 because he is so small. Belinda and I assured him that he will grow taller soon. He just needs to be patient and not ashamed of who he is now.
Today I went down to the soccer field again. I was the first to arrive, as were the soccer players, and I figured it is best to keep them supervised. Junior, his sister and his older buddy came back today. The younger boy was not there. Both Cristian(the biggest) and his Moses (the younger) seem well nourished and have nice clothes. They wore Air Jordans which they said their father sent from the US. Maybe they do not need physical nutrition, but it is clear they can use socialization and spiritual nourishment.
Cristian, the older brother, knows quite a bit of English and knows a lot about the US. Actually he knows more about the US than any kid I have ever taught. He is looking forward to being part of my class. It will be interesting to see how things unfold if Junior and Cristian continue to attend Buen Provecho. They both seem open to learning, but you can feel how hardened they are in certain ways. It would be beautiful to see God soften their hearts. I am glad I have had extra time to spend with them today and yesterday.
Here are some of the photos I promised from last Friday:
Mary, who gave the classes every day |
Michah, whom everyone appreciated for his sense of humor |
Mrs. Osberg's mother, Grace Ann |
My new friend Becky and Arnold.
who normally is a tough guy and doesn't like hugs |
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A good hug between Barak and Roberto |
And then Roberto is surprised when Barak lifts him off his feet! |
Receiving gifts |
Everyone fell in love with Maryorie.
This is her second week with us. |
Arnold shows his softer side |
My two buddies, Becky and Maykol |
Jeff and Pastor Tim |
Mary and Daniel |
Two weeks ago Riley, the son of Eli and Lindsay from K2, left his sneaker with us for a kid who needs them. Lindsay apologized because they were stinky, but they were still in good shape. I let them sit outside in the sun until finally I felt the urge to bring them in to the church. Pretty sure God had this plan in mind today:
Anderson showed up wearing one school shoe and one sneaker.
He said that's all he has. |
Now he has a pair of sneakers and they fit him perfectly! |