Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cleaning Closets

Erika called me "collect" this morning but somehow I didn't hear it. By the time I noticed she had called again. I was worried because yesterday she couldn't go to the market with me because Marjory had a fever. The last time Marjory had a fever she went into convulsions and stopped breathing. Erika assured me that Marjory's fever was slight and she had the suppositories the doctor prescribed last time handy in case the fever got out of control.

When I called back Erika said everything was fine. She was happy and relaxed. She said she took Marjory to the doctor this morning. The doctor prescribed a pain reliever, but said there is no infection. I was pleasantly shocked. Every doctor I know prescribes antibiotics if you come in with a drippy nose, a cold or fever. The people here think you need to take an antibiotic every time you don't feel good. It drives me nuts! I assured Erika that she must have seen a very good doctor because if there is no infection Marjory should not be given antibiotics. Erika said Marjory was already doing better, with just one dose of pain reliever.

This morning I sent out some emails and studied the bible. Then I went in to work. My boss asked me to come and clean out the closets, drawers and filing cabinets. I didn't get much done today, but I have a good start on it and have a system now. It should go faster tomorrow. Since nobody else is there but my boss and I, we got another chance to talk.

She asked what I would like to do, if I would like to run my own club of 25 teens and their families. I said sure, if that is what they need. She wasn't too sure. She is interviewing people tomorrow and hoping to have some more people start by next week. Depending on who she brings on board with us, she may need me to run a club.

She also asked if I know about Aspergers (I do) and what other experience I have. I told her about working in wilderness therapy and at the lockdown facility for sex offenders. She would like me to educate my co-workers in healthier eating and exercise. We may also do a class in women's self defense. She said she can use my experience in foster care with a new project that just came up.

Everything I mentioned about my past work experience excited her. She told me I am a real treasure to them because of all of the different ways I can help. She wants me to let them know what I am most passionate about because she believes everyone works better when they are doing what they love.

Right now I will focus on helping one specific co-worker and the psychologists. The other projects are still in the works.

Tonight Fany and I started arranging a bedroom for Laura. There has always been space, but Fany prefers to let Laura sleep with her. Fany has pink paint ready to go on the walls of the extra room tomorrow. She moved all of Laura's toys in there already. Laura seems psyched. It will be a harder transition for Fany than for Laura, I think.

A month from today Laura will start school! Laura has been ready for school since she was 2 & 1/2 years old. For Fany, it is all happening too soon.

Tomorrow Erika and I are spending the day together. I planned to help Fany paint the inside of her house because she helped me paint mine before I moved in. But Fany wants to paint tomorrow and I already have plans with Erika. Fany and I both think since Erika's pregnant she shouldn't be around paint fumes.

Thursday I will go back to the office to finish cleaning and organizing. I am enjoying the one-on-one time with my boss. Normally she is so busy I don't want to bug her. It's nice to be able to chat a little and get to know each other.