Friday, November 28, 2014

It's cold in Honduras

Thanksgiving in Honduras was good.  My best (only) offer was to celebrate at the home of pastor of the English speaking church.  There were 30 of us.  I am starting to know more people now and met a few new ones.  The food was delicious.  It was everything Thanksgiving should be.

A cold front came in two nights ago.  It's been blustery and cold, in the 40's and low 50's even down in the city.  Everyone is bundled up in heavy sweaters during the day and winter jackets at night.  Jetty doesn't even want to go outside.

The wind is pushing a tree branch or something against the roof of my house, right outside my bedroom window.  It makes the sounds of creaky floorboards in Halloween movie all night long.  After not sleeping for several nights, last night I wore earplugs and got some sleep.

The power has been on and off.  It was off when I was trying to cook my dishes for Thanksgiving dinner but came on later at night so I did some late night cooking.

After this weather the snow in CO and SLC shouldn't seem so bad.