Sunday, October 19, 2014

Nos Vemos K2

I have been dreading this day for the past week.  Today the K2 team left.  They were amazing.  As many people here in Honduras pointed out - they are my "gente".  My people.  I only knew the two leaders and two kids a week ago.  But over the past week I know I have made some lifelong friendships.

As I told the team, they were as much a blessing to me as they were to the children and families they served.  God really brought some things to a head this week and I don't know how I would have made it through without the support of my "gente".  Outside of my personal crap, everything went beautifully.  The team was so open to new experiences.  They adjusted quickly to a new culture and served with all of their hearts.  God was present with them every day.  It was everything I prayed for and much more.

Today we went to the first part of the Sunday service.  Then we had to leave early to take them to the airport.  My neighbors and I stayed to see them off.  I was thankful to Fany and her husband for being willing to miss church and give a proper farewell to our guests.  We waited until they passed by the big glass window and waved to them as they headed to the gates.

On the way home Laura, who is two, cried.  She wanted to go on the airplane with my friends.  Then we passed a bus and she asked if my friends were on the bus.  I said yes, because I didn't dare remind her of the airplane for fear the tears would return.

You know how sometimes things happen that could only be the hand of God?  That's how this entire week was.  We saw the hand of God every single day in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.  Sometimes it was in the connections the team made with the kids.  One day it was a lady we met who has one of the most powerful testimonies I have ever heard.  Sometimes it was the beauty of nature.  Sometimes it was the timing of things.

I was hardly at home all week.  I got to be with the team quite a bit, which was really fun.  (Could someone please explain to me how your house gets so dirty when you are only home long enough to sleep?)  I thought today was going to be difficult and very sad.  But with the support of Fany and her family, as well as the love of my new and not new friends, it wasn't as hard as I expected.  Or maybe I am numb.

I think there could be some big changes in my future.  All of those days that I didn't post because I couldn't write anything positive, and the struggles that I have been alluding to are now on the table.  God will move as He pleases and I will follow.  Please keep me in your prayers.  May God's will be done.

I thank God for the team from K2, or as we say in Honduras, "ka-dos".  I pray they will have a safe journey home and keep the love we have for them in their hearts forever.