Today was a great day! And it is not even over yet. I woke up feeling better. Wednesday I fell asleep at the breakfast program, then went home and slept from 3pm until the next day. I called Jairo and told him I wasn't feeling well and needed a day to rest. So I spent yesterday sleeping with a sore throat and a cold. When I woke this morning I realized the worst was over. That in itself was nice. I washed all of my bedding in the pila. My mom always wants us to have clean sheets when we are feeling better. Let's just say that when you are still a little weak from a cold, it is much easier to throw your sheets in a washing machine than to wash and rinse and wring them out by hand. That process made me realize I am not yet at full capacity, but I will have clean sheets tonight.
The breakfast program today was extra special because the kids are in exam week, so they all can come at the same time. Therefore, we were able to have a big group with all of them. We prayed, they shared special words with Kim and Pat, since this is their last day at the breakfast program. Then we gave out shoes, socks and undergarments. We also talked to the teenagers about dating (or in this case, NOT dating until they are older).
New Shoes! |
After the group was over, we had breakfast. Last week the older girls said they would like to learn self defense. For them, this is more important than we in the US can imagine. Every week I hear of kidnappings and rape and it is happening to people within the church. I was so excited to have God use me in another way I never expected. I took karate for 10 years and can teach the girls self defense!
First we talked about the fact that this is serious, we will only practice together. We will not use what we know to hurt someone unless we are being attacked. I also explained that the class will not always be fun because our muscles have memory and we need to do these movements until our muscles can do them with out our minds having to thing about it. That can be very boring, but it is necessary.
Then we got to work. They did extremely well. My plan is to review each move from the day before and add another move each day.
Some of the girls from Self Defense class
These girls are FIERCE!
Holds and Grabs
After the classes I had to say goodbye to Bismar. He was here for the week to heal his stomach. He still is only feeling a little better. The original plan was for us to accompany Bismar back to his school and say hello to the other boys there, but there is too much fighting on the roads on the way there, so it is not safe. We prayed over Bismar, for his safety and for his stomach. I gave him a Spanish version of Dr. Suess' The Places You'll Go. I told him how special he is and that I know he will do amazing things. I really love that boy.