Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Red welts

Two days ago Fany and I were outside talking in the garden.  A bird fell from its nest and Fany ran to grab it before Jetty could.  It wasn't able to fly yet. Its parents were none too please from the sounds of their squawking, but they didn't come down to rescue it.  We hauled out a ladder and debated where to leave the bird so that cats would be least likely to get to it.  Finally, Fany climbed the ladder with the bird in one hand and left it on the roof. Hondurans are very caring toward birds.  Even more than toward dogs or cats.  It's strange to me, but to them it is strange that I care so much about my cat.

Fany and I have been waiting and waiting for the few mangoes that grew this year to ripen.  We lost all of the avocados from both trees due to lack of rain.  The mango tree is hardly bearing fruit, so we have been "muy pendiente" (very aware and waiting).

Finally it's time!  Fany told me she was going to use the broomstick handle to knock them down and asked me to catch the mangoes before they hit the ground.  Without thinking I said sure.  I love harvesting things.  Especially after spending months watching them grow.

So we got about 7 mangoes from the tree.  I caught most of them in my arms like a football.  Luckily I was wearing a tee shirt, not a tank top.  The next morning I woke up with what looked like a compound fracture on my forearm.  It was swollen like crazy.  It also itched a lot.  I figured it was a spider bite.  Then there were two.  By evening I had a lot of red spots on my arms and even some welts and redness on my face.  The worst were my "compound fractures" and in the crease of my elbow.

I took all of my bedding off the bed (although there is no water to do laundry), thinking I had a flea infestation.  But the cat wasn't itching.

Mom told me I should go to a doctor.  That was when it hit me.  I have gone through exactly this 3 times before.  It was the mangoes!  Some spots on my neck and scalp itched.  It was just the same. After more itching than sleeping last night (and reminding myself to ALWAYS keep Benedryl on hand in the future!) I woke up at 5:30 a.m.  I called the doctor's office at 6 and found out they open at 7.

I continue to be impressed by the doctors at my clinic.  Yesterday Fany went to a public hospital.  It's one of the better public hospitals.  The doctor told her that the swelling in her hands and feet does not exist to anyone but Fany.  (And me, because I can see it.)  The doctor also asked if metal illness ran in the family and criticized Fany for a bunch of things.  I repeatedly hear horror stories about doctors in public facilities.  But my doctors are great.

I got to the building just before 7 a.m.  Three people were in line before me.  They were all instructed to go to the waiting room where I have gone for my stomach problems.  I was instructed to wait in a different room this time.  Just as I sat, my name was called.  They took my vitals and said they were going to put me on an IV drip of antihistamine and prednizone.  Sounded great to me!  She told me to avoid certain food because my defenses are very low right now, and I could go into anaphylactic shock.  Good to know not to eat pineapple because normally I start every day with a pineapple and celery smoothie.

Immediately after they started the IV, exhaustion hit.  I knew I shouldn't be driving, but I didn't have a choice.  Made it home in one piece.   Ran over the curb, even though I was going very slowly, right as I turned onto my own street.

Fell into bed exhausted and slept until noon.

My face has gotten worse, but my arms are better.  I am so grateful for good health care!  The whole experience cost $7.50 with my insurance, including everything - meds for this week and an IV.

I will look like a freak in the airport tomorrow, but my Mom will always love me.  Even with blotchy red welts on my face.  And maybe I'll get some extra space on the airplane because nobody will want to sit near someone who looks the way I do.

I've called everyone that I need to say good bye to.  All that's left to do is throw some clothes into a suitcase, which I will do as soon as I finish my final procrastination tactic - this blog.

I probably will not write much in July.  I have meetings morning, noon, and night with people the whole time I'm in the US.  It will be a very busy time away.  Not at all the definition of a vacation.  But I am eager to see my Mom and friends, so it will be good!

All checked in and ready to head out in the morning.  USA, here I come!  Red welts and all.