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Pastor Paysen receiving the cake on behalf of fathers. |
Fany came over and brought me Chinese food. She had the coolest story to share! Her mother and father recently went to track down her mother's family. When her mother left home as a teen she never returned. The whole process of finding her family was pretty incredible. They learned that one of Fany's uncles is deceased. Another is mentally ill, roaming the streets. They were told that he had been that way for years. It was hard on Fany's mom to see the brother so lost.
Today Fany got a call from her father. He was really excited. He told Fany a cool story. Fany's father bought Fany's new-found uncle a can of juice and took it to him on the street. He prayed as he gave him the juice that the mental illness would be gone. The next day they left and traveled back home. They kept in touch with the "new" family and were told that the mentally ill brother had not left the house where he sleeps for three days, which is not normal. Everyone was worried so they called another family member and asked him to pass by to visit the ill brother.
When the family member got to the house the brother was home. For the first time ever, he recognized this family member and called him by name! He seemed perfectly normal and content. The years of mental illness seemed to have disappeared!
I asked Fany to do another lice check for me. My head has the crazy itchy thing that makes me worry about lice again. Fany is scared about Laura getting lice because Laura's hair is so thick and curly. It would be really tough for Fany to get lice out of Laura's hair. Lice is a fate worse than chicken pox for Laura. Her chicken pox seem to be almost gone and it's only been a week. I didn't have lice, but I did cause Fany to spend the rest of her night itching.
We fixed up the yard tonight. Fany is saving water from her bath tub and when she washes dishes to use on the lawn. The city water only came once last week and it was only for a short time. She is pretty sure we will run out this week. Obviously we couldn't water anything, but we rearranged the potted plants and trimmed the palms and some other trees that were overgrown or too dry.
Fany couldn't find her machete. She had no idea why I found it so funny when she kept saying, "I can't find my machete. I don't know where I left my machete." That is just not something you would hear in everyday life in the US and it cracked me up.
Fany couldn't find her machete. She had no idea why I found it so funny when she kept saying, "I can't find my machete. I don't know where I left my machete." That is just not something you would hear in everyday life in the US and it cracked me up.
The limes are growing. Avocados are the size of a marble. The mango tree has a few flowers. Fany said that is not good. She said the tree should have more flowers and will not have many mangoes this year.
We finished working in the dark. It's too hot to do yard work during the day but it gets dark at 6 p.m., so we worked with the outside lights on. When we were done we sat down and enjoyed the pretty garden. I broke out a package of Nutter Butter cookies that I found on sale. (Otherwise they would have been $7!)
Laura is not usually a sweet tooth, but it turns out she really likes Nutter Butters. We each had two. Then Laura looked at the package and said, "I don't want another cookie." But her eyes betrayed her. She could not take her eyes off that package of cookies. I laughed and asked Laura if she meant that she really DID want another Nutter Butter. She admitted that yes, she would like another please.
Fany and I reminisced over how our relationship has changed. Saturday is my three year anniversary in Honduras. Fany reminded me about how I arrived three years ago with no luggage. It was lost for 10 days. Just when I thought I would never get it back, they found it. I thought my Spanish was pretty good, but I had a hard time understanding Fany and she was afraid to talk to me. How things have changed.