Thursday, November 1, 2012

Winnie the Pooh? Really? Are you kidding me?

Today I sat down with the little ones for lunch.  Usually lunch conversations are about who is talking with their mouth full, or who is chewing with their mouth open.  Today the little ones were discussing much bigger things.

As I took a seat one of them asked me urgently, "Isn't Winnie to Pooh  diabolical, Mary Lynn!?!"  He seemed very sure of himself.  I was confused.  I asked the boy why Winnie the Pooh could be considered diabolical.  He told me he didn't know why, but he was sure that Winnie the Pooh is diabolical.  I didn't want any parents angry at me, so I just told him that I had never known Winnie the Pooh to be diabolical.

I asked two educated adults why the kids would believe that Winnie the Pooh is diabolical.  They said that "people say" Winnie the Pooh is gay.  I was so confused.  Winnie the Pooh is gay?  He is a bear!  Then I was told that Winnie the Pooh is gay with Christopher Robin.  Now maybe we have a problem here - if we were to believe that a boy were "having relations" with a bear, that could be a problem.

I told the adults that I think whoever has the sick mind to think of such a thing is the one who has problems.  Not Winnie the Pooh!  How sad that people have corrupted Winnie the Pooh for the children today.

Has anyone else heard of this?  I don't want to cause a debate.  I just wonder if this is a common rumor that I have somehow, until now, been lucky enough to escape.