This morning I was still riding high from having such an excellent day yesterday. When I got in the car to go to the breakfast program I thanked Lourdes and Jairo again for letting me spend the day with them. I really am so grateful.
We stopped on the way to the church and got donuts which was strange because we have never done that before and I was craving donuts this morning, which is unusual for me. Today was we made "waf-lays" (waffles). There were less kids than usual, maybe because it was a rainy morning. They had tons of the rice left from Mothers Day yesterday at the church. The kids had seconds and we still had more!
I took 76 pictures today. It was haircut day. A boy I remember from 3 years ago has grown up to be a barber. Lourdes told me he was one of the first kids she ever brought into the church from Los Pinos. What a success story! He accepted Christ the first time K2 came for VBS and has been an active member of the church ever since. He came to Lourdes a few months ago and said that he would like to give back to the church by cutting hair for people who can't afford haircuts.
He had a long line today. Over 10 kids waited for haircuts. He took his time and gave each boy a special, unique haircut. He has the bib and everything. First he cuts it all down, then he puts shaving cream around the edges and shapes it all up, then he pulls out the scissors and gives them each a professional cut. I took a lot of photos. It was so nice to see boys who didn't want their picture taken at first, stand so proud and tall in the end. Then I showed them the pictures of themselves and they would comment on how handsome they look. I love seeing them feel happy and self confident. They don't feel that way often.
I also had some extra time with Jairo and Lourdes today. Jairo gave me a few things he wants me to write for the church. He also asked if he could look at the pictures I've taken since I got here. We looked through all of them. He loves pictures. Lourdes sat with us for a while. I showed them pictures of my annual camping trip in Telluride with my brother and his family. Lourdes loved the scenery of Colorado and pics of my nephews. She said she could see why it was such a fun, relaxing event and an important tradition to keep.
I asked Jairo about the radio host who was kidnapped. He said there is no news about him. Everyone is praying he is still alive. He also updated me about a 15 year old girl from the church. She was kidnapped on the way home from school and raped on the day I arrived here. Her rapist was captured 2 days ago. He has already been charged with rape in the past. At the time she was raped there were more than 40 people who claimed to have been raped by him! More and more people continue to come forth to say they were raped by him. There is even someone who wrote from Spain! Jairo said he wonders why he hasn't been permanently jailed before. But now that it seems certain he will be jailed... Jairo paused. I said they will kill him in jail, won't they? He nodded. He said they will rape him first. Both of us were quiet. I was thinking about the torture he will probably endure and wondered how long they will keep him alive. Jairo just said we will hear about him in the news. I guess it is really great news that this horrible man is finally off the streets.
Here are some cute fotos I took today:
Don Juan gave out toothpaste |
Sometimes haircuts tickle! |
I liked this look. |
Before |
During |
After! Standing proud and tall. |
Have you ever seen such great looking kids? |