My birthday was everything a birthday should be and more. I felt special and blessed and very, very loved. We celebrated for 4 days! Here are some highlights:
The coach from the swim team completely surprised me with a cake and Pepsi at 9 a.m. He said that he sees how much the kids love me and think of me as a mother, so he wanted to give them the opportunity to celebrate with me.
They threw me in the pool |
A hug from the most awesome coach ever |
My cake! |
Note the carmel fish in the corner :) AND it was one layer of chocolate! |
Covered in frosting |
Thanks girls! |
My friend Ana and her baby, Isabela were there |
Coach Fracisco Sanchez and me |
When we got back to the church Eunice and Walter had planned a second party for me! So we had a second cake after the Breakfast Program was finished with the boys from El Sembrador, the ladies who work in the kitchen and their families, and everyone who works at the church.
My second cake! |
Singing "Feliz Feliz CumpleaƱos" |
Walter said a nice prayer |
Eunice praying over me. Samuel looks so cute! |
Happy Birthday to ME! |
Ashley enjoying cake
Saturday we had a Thanksgiving dinner at my Carlos' brother's house. I cooked the turkey and all of the traditional side dishes. I was surprised when Marcela came in with a birthday cake for me. It was BLUEBERRY and very, very delicious! We popped some sparking wine and celebrated my birthday, then moved on to Thanksgiving dinner. It was a really fun time.
Carlos popping the cork
Me with the ladies - Miljian and Hermida
Miljian hosted the party at her house
Carlos' brother and sister-in-law
Blowing out the candles of my blueberry cake

Sunday was election day. It went smoothly and peacefully. Nobody has officially been declared president yet because they are waiting for 10% of the votes still from voters in the US. But the party who is currently in charge has the most votes and will win. People are saying the vote was fraudulent. I watched it on TV. Everything I saw seemed very open and forthright. But of course there could be things going on behind the scenes. Personally, I think it's a case of sore losers.
There have been small protests, but nothing at the scale I saw in 2009. Things could escalate when everything becomes official. For now everything feels normal.
People are still wishing me a happy birthday and it feels really great to be able to say that I had a really special day. It was definitely one of my very best so far. Not just because of the cakes. I truly felt special and honored. I kept thinking, "This is how everyone should feel on their birthday!" I'm grateful so many people care about me and take the time to say or do something to make me feel special on my birthday. Thanks guys!