Thursday, October 3, 2013

Warm milk

Don Juan just called.  I have been joking that it is his fault I am sick because he had all of this two weeks ago.  So he called to see how I am doing and say that he knows this is all his fault.  I laughed and went into a coughing spell.  He said he called three times this morning from a different phone number.  I told him I never answer from unknown numbers.  It is so sweet of him to call!  He told me to drink warm milk with cinnamon.  Everyone has their own home remedies.

My landlord has been checking on me too.  Yesterday she asked if I needed to come over and sleep at her house.  Today she said if I am not better by tomorrow I have to go back to the doctor.

I felt better last night.  This morning I was more sick again.  But I slept and rested today.  This evening I think I'm doing better.  I have been eating even though I'm not hungry.  While I was buying my meds yesterday I bought 2 loaves of bread for submarine sandwiches.  I ate a whole entire sub with veggies and meat yesterday.  Today I got fancy and heated it up.  I've got lots of juice and I've been drinking warm milk at night, without even knowing Don Juan's prescription.

Don Juan said he was told there IS Breakfast Program tomorrow.  I am thinking that if I feel well, I may go for an hour or two just to get out of bed and breathe some fresh air.  I would love to see the kids.  Today I know I am still sick.  I can gauge my sickness level by how difficult it is to stay in bed.  Yesterday I couldn't control my urges to clean.  Today I don't care if the house is messy.  I am staying in bed and I'm not even bored.  Tomorrow will be better.