Over the past week I received four emails asking how I'm doing and what I'm up to, so I thought I could catch you all up here. Thank you for keeping in touch! Sorry I'm not better at it. Part of the problem is that I'm working four jobs.
My main income comes from editing an 87 year old man's book about his socio-political views. We started working on it in September. It is now written and last week we began proof reading the final copy. If all goes as scheduled we'll finish mid-July. I enjoy working with him. This is his 13th book. We have good talks, lots of laughs and eat good food together. I'll miss it when we're done.
My second job has been tutoring kids in Spanish. That will also be over in the next few weeks as the school year draws to an end. I got a job bartending at a local golf course and I can have more shifts there if I want to work more, so that will help fill in any financial gaps.
The fourth job hasn't started yet, but has been in the works for a few months. I have orientation Friday for a job as a translator for Spanish speaking immigrants. At the interview my new boss explained they can't pay much, but it will be an excellent way for me to make contacts and even start a new program which doesn't exist yet for Spanish speaking people in my county. She said once people know I am here and realize all I have to offer, other agencies who can pay more will steal me away from her. She's okay with that because she wants what is best for the immigrants.
On her way to our interview she received a call from someone who needed a Spanish speaking person to teach a literacy class. I don't want to teach, but that seems to prove her point - jobs are out there and I have the experience they need. I believe this job, while only 10 hours/week for now, will lead to something bigger and better.
I also applied for a county job yesterday. It has great benefits and the pay is really good, but I don't really want the job. It's as a caseworker, so it's something I'm good at, but I feel more called to work with the Spanish speaking community that exists here and is desperately under-served.
The job I was so excited about in December turned out to be different than I hoped. In the end I couldn't afford to work there and I didn't feel like I was making a difference in peoples' lives. It was disappointing because I really thought it was going to be amazing, but by the end of the first month I could see it wasn't working out. At that point the gentleman who is writing the book offered me a pay raise and more hours with him, so I turned in my resignation.
The good news is that gave me time to ski quite a bit! While skiing I met someone and we started dating in March. We are happy and having lots of fun, so I'd say it's going well. Growing up I knew his family and I knew who he was, but he was two years behind me in school so we never spent time together. We are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us. I haven't dated anyone in six years and neither has he so this is a big deal for both of us.
Next week I will go back to Honduras for the first time. I still had the ticket for the return flight which must be used before June 14th. (On June 14th I'll have been here a year!) I found a cheap flight back to the US and I have flexibility in my job schedules right now, so I figured I should take advantage of the unused portion of my ticket to get some of the things I left behind and to say goodbye to all of my friends.
Most of my things have been sold. That was a sad process for both Fany and me. Fany says it was hard on Laura too. They understand that my time in Honduras is over, at least for now. But it's still sad. We have been a daily part of one another's lives for over six years. My heart will hurt when I get back on that plane for the US this time.
The good news is that my church already sponsors a missionary I know in Honduras! Teams from my new church will be going to Honduras to visit her. I can't wait to see how that will unfold. When I lived in Honduras I always imagined that if I ever had to move back to the US, I would continue helping my Honduran friends.
My new pastor and the leadership of the congregation have really taken me under their wing. I feel a little spoiled, to be honest. The moment I walked into their church, God revealed to Pastor Dan that I needed a safe place to rest. They have gone out of their way to make the church be that for me. I was asked to be on the missions committee but we haven't met yet. I have also talked to the children's classes about missions and shared parts of my testimony with the whole church. They take really good care of me and are "vetting" my new boyfriend. I am grateful for them and grateful to God for giving me such a perfect new home.
It has taken me a while to feel at home in this church. Only recently I've begun thinking of them as my church. Pastora Ruth will always play an important role in my life. We are still in frequent contact. But I realized I had to let go of parts of that relationship in order to make room for my new church in my heart. That was a tough process. I really didn't want to do it. Pastor Dan was patient, even encouraging me to hold on to them as long as I needed. He said I would know when the time was right to transition to his leadership. He was right. I am ready now.
You can pray for wisdom in my next job selection. My heart is calling me to the low paying, part time immigrant job, but if I am offered the high paying county job with excellent benefits the responsible thing to do is take it. I hope either they don't offer me the $$ job, or they do, but after I have had time to feel out the job translating for immigrants and where it might lead. I have orientation there Friday and start working 10 hours/week when I get home from Honduras.
Thank you for sticking with me all of these years and caring about me even after I am back home. I love to hear from you. You can expect to see some photos here in a couple of weeks as I wrap up the last of my life in Honduras and find the closure I need there. I look forward to this next phase of life with hope and excitement.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Thursday, December 21, 2017
A Brief Update
It's been a long time! I decided I really wanted to focus on being present in the here and now, and take some time for myself. Turned out this trip was exactly what I needed for reasons I could have never known until I got here.
To make a long story short, 5 & 1/2 years of living in Honduras took its toll on me emotionally. I didn't realize it while I was there, but after I got back to the US and was able to let down my guard, I realized I was pretty messed up.
It took a while to find a good therapist. By the time I started therapy, the three month visit was almost over so I extended my stay. During that time it became more and more clear that the people here are in need of the very things I've been working at in Honduras.
In July I called a non-profit organization and offered to volunteer as a translator. A month ago I saw a job that looked interesting at that same non-profit organization. Ten days ago I started working there.
My new boss lived in Honduras for four years! She married a Honduran man 25 years ago and they moved back here. It's been nice to have her to talk to as I support my Honduran friends through tumultuous times. Most people in the US don't have a clue about everything that has been going on there.
In November the presidential election was a disaster. The incumbent ran for an extra term, changing the constitution himself, without the vote of the people, which is illegal. The voting process was fraudulent. The opposition was in the lead when suddenly they closed the polls early and stopped counting votes. When the polls opened again, suddenly the incumbent had crept up to tie his opponent. Then the computer system failed and the incumbent pulled into the lead. People were furious. It reeked of fraud.
There was a review of the votes. My coworkers were involved and saw the fraud that everyone was reporting with their own eyes. They asked if they could be allowed to do a transparent recount with strict protocol in place. The electoral board (which is managed by the incumbent) refused to allow an independent protocol to be put into place which would allow for transparency.
Since November 26th the people have been waiting for election results. Both sides claimed to have won. On December 17th it was announced that the incumbent won. People were already protesting, but now it has escalated.
The US Embassy has taken measures I've never seen before. First they recommended no travel in or out of the country. Yesterday they sent an email telling everyone to "shelter in place" (stay home) effective through the end of December at least. The streets are taken over by protesters. My coworkers are posting video of the police clearing the streets with tear gas, which spreads up the hills and into their houses. Yesterday, all day, their homes were full of tear gas. They couldn't breathe, nor could they leave their homes to escape the fumes.
My pastor was talking about having his daughter airlifted out of Honduras to the US. Since the election results were announced out of the blue, she has been stuck at home. She can't leave and he can't get home to her because the roads are blocked with protests.
Fany calls me at least once each day. She was staying with her in-laws out in the country where it is safer, but she came into the city Sunday because my landlords were supposed to fly in from Guatemala. Fany was visiting her sister-in-law when the news came of election results. I called her immediately and told her to go home, but she didn't.
I kept sending her messages as I watched other friends talk about protests forming in the streets. Finally I sent her photos of a protest blocking the road that she needed to take home. I encouraged her to stay with her sister-in-law for the night. But she decided to try to get home. It was a harrowing experience. Laura is still traumatized and will not leave the house. Some of the protesters saw Laura sobbing in the car and lifted up Santos' truck to carry it over a median with Fany, Santos and Laura inside. Half of the protesters were mad that others were trying to help Fany and her family because their whole purpose is to block the roads and cause chaos. Laura inside crying and saying she wanted to go be with God. It took until yesterday for Fany to tell me the full story. She was terrified too, but thankful for those who took pity on her family and helped them get back home.
Last night Fany called with a gruff voice. I could hear helicopters circling overhead like in 2009. It brought back a lot of fear for me and Fany said she felt the same. The helicopter was spraying tear gas. It was meant to hit the community next to ours where we go to buy avocados and cheese, etc. The problem is that we live on the division of that community and our own. The front of our houses face into our gated community but if I had a back door, it would open up onto the street of the community where they were spraying tear gas.
For hours they flew overhead, dropping tear gas. Fany kept her windows closed, but she could barely breathe inside the house. She was very scared. This morning they escaped back to her in-laws house in the country, thank God.
My boss in Honduras is the bravest lady I know but she said she cries every night. I think I am the only one she can confess that to. She has to stay strong for my former coworkers in Honduras. The head of security has ordered them to stay in their houses.
Police are fed up. I think they are acting in fear. There are many videos of them being violent toward peaceful civilians. I can't blame them for being scared because civilians have not all been peaceful and the police are risking their lives every day for the safety of their country. In fact, at one point the police and the military refused to defend the incumbent and joined civilians in protesting the injustice for a day. That was the most peaceful day so far because everyone was united against the "dictator".
January 25th is the date the next president would have been sworn in if this one hadn't overstayed his turn. The opposition still has not accepted defeat. He is asking for a recount, but what they really need is a new, clean vote and that is not possible.
I don't know what the outcome will be. It looks like Juan Orlando will remain in power and things will be crazy for a while. Rumors abound. The latest rumor which started about a week ago is that the US Government helped rig the election. I've seen signs and comments on newspaper articles with Honduran people saying they want all US citizens out of their country. There have been big protests in front of the US embassy. In reality, I don't think the US has done anything at all, which also angers some Hondurans because they would like the US to come in and clean up this mess. In any case, I am glad I am not there.
I have to admit, it has been hard to start a new job with all of this on my mind. I am doing my best not to think about it during business hours, but it does weigh heavy on my heart and I don't sleep much at night. Since I am physically safe, I feel like I need to be an emotionally available for my Honduran friends to unburden themselves. They have nowhere else to go and nobody else who can really understand. I don't mean to complain. I want to support them. I am glad they trust and confide in me, but it is a heavy load to carry while I am trying to learn the ropes at my new job.
I leased a car. It was the only option since everything I have is tied up in Honduras. I'll go down as soon as it's safe (late February, I hope) to sell my stuff and say goodbye to everyone. For the first time ever, Fany wishes she could come to the US. Coworkers write daily and ask for prayers. Ana has been scared to death. She and some of the boys in Los Pinos say that area has been on fire for weeks.
People who love me are sad that I won't be a missionary in Honduras any more, but they are happy that I am safe and that things are working out well for me in the US. This is not at all what I expected when I packed my bags back in June, but I am happy to be here and supporting those I love in Honduras the best I can.
Please pray for the people there, the police and military who are fighting a war they don't believe in, and for justice. I'm worried there will be no peace without justice and there is no justice in sight.
Also, a good friend of mine has been living in horrible back pain for about two years. One year ago she had surgery, but it didn't help. She was about to have another surgery, but they cannot tell where the pain is coming from so they cancelled the surgery. She is frustrated, to say the least, as this surgery was supposed to be her best hope for relief. I imagine she is feeling pretty hopeless right now. Please pray for Lisa as you feel led.
I apologize that this is scattered and not well written. I am operating on very little sleep and trying to catch up on six months worth of news in one post. (Forgot to mention! I have a second job evenings and weekends editing a book for an interesting man who is about to publish his 13th novel. We have fun together and I am desperate for the money.) Overall, my life is good. But many around me are struggling. I am thankful for this healing process and to those of you who have helped me reach this point. Now if Honduras could just find peace. And I'd also like to see my family at some point too. All good things in all good time. Now I have to hurry up and fall asleep so I can wake up in three hours. Good night from a hilltop in New York. - ML
To make a long story short, 5 & 1/2 years of living in Honduras took its toll on me emotionally. I didn't realize it while I was there, but after I got back to the US and was able to let down my guard, I realized I was pretty messed up.
It took a while to find a good therapist. By the time I started therapy, the three month visit was almost over so I extended my stay. During that time it became more and more clear that the people here are in need of the very things I've been working at in Honduras.
In July I called a non-profit organization and offered to volunteer as a translator. A month ago I saw a job that looked interesting at that same non-profit organization. Ten days ago I started working there.
My new boss lived in Honduras for four years! She married a Honduran man 25 years ago and they moved back here. It's been nice to have her to talk to as I support my Honduran friends through tumultuous times. Most people in the US don't have a clue about everything that has been going on there.
In November the presidential election was a disaster. The incumbent ran for an extra term, changing the constitution himself, without the vote of the people, which is illegal. The voting process was fraudulent. The opposition was in the lead when suddenly they closed the polls early and stopped counting votes. When the polls opened again, suddenly the incumbent had crept up to tie his opponent. Then the computer system failed and the incumbent pulled into the lead. People were furious. It reeked of fraud.
There was a review of the votes. My coworkers were involved and saw the fraud that everyone was reporting with their own eyes. They asked if they could be allowed to do a transparent recount with strict protocol in place. The electoral board (which is managed by the incumbent) refused to allow an independent protocol to be put into place which would allow for transparency.
Since November 26th the people have been waiting for election results. Both sides claimed to have won. On December 17th it was announced that the incumbent won. People were already protesting, but now it has escalated.
The US Embassy has taken measures I've never seen before. First they recommended no travel in or out of the country. Yesterday they sent an email telling everyone to "shelter in place" (stay home) effective through the end of December at least. The streets are taken over by protesters. My coworkers are posting video of the police clearing the streets with tear gas, which spreads up the hills and into their houses. Yesterday, all day, their homes were full of tear gas. They couldn't breathe, nor could they leave their homes to escape the fumes.
My pastor was talking about having his daughter airlifted out of Honduras to the US. Since the election results were announced out of the blue, she has been stuck at home. She can't leave and he can't get home to her because the roads are blocked with protests.
Fany calls me at least once each day. She was staying with her in-laws out in the country where it is safer, but she came into the city Sunday because my landlords were supposed to fly in from Guatemala. Fany was visiting her sister-in-law when the news came of election results. I called her immediately and told her to go home, but she didn't.
I kept sending her messages as I watched other friends talk about protests forming in the streets. Finally I sent her photos of a protest blocking the road that she needed to take home. I encouraged her to stay with her sister-in-law for the night. But she decided to try to get home. It was a harrowing experience. Laura is still traumatized and will not leave the house. Some of the protesters saw Laura sobbing in the car and lifted up Santos' truck to carry it over a median with Fany, Santos and Laura inside. Half of the protesters were mad that others were trying to help Fany and her family because their whole purpose is to block the roads and cause chaos. Laura inside crying and saying she wanted to go be with God. It took until yesterday for Fany to tell me the full story. She was terrified too, but thankful for those who took pity on her family and helped them get back home.
Last night Fany called with a gruff voice. I could hear helicopters circling overhead like in 2009. It brought back a lot of fear for me and Fany said she felt the same. The helicopter was spraying tear gas. It was meant to hit the community next to ours where we go to buy avocados and cheese, etc. The problem is that we live on the division of that community and our own. The front of our houses face into our gated community but if I had a back door, it would open up onto the street of the community where they were spraying tear gas.
For hours they flew overhead, dropping tear gas. Fany kept her windows closed, but she could barely breathe inside the house. She was very scared. This morning they escaped back to her in-laws house in the country, thank God.
My boss in Honduras is the bravest lady I know but she said she cries every night. I think I am the only one she can confess that to. She has to stay strong for my former coworkers in Honduras. The head of security has ordered them to stay in their houses.
Police are fed up. I think they are acting in fear. There are many videos of them being violent toward peaceful civilians. I can't blame them for being scared because civilians have not all been peaceful and the police are risking their lives every day for the safety of their country. In fact, at one point the police and the military refused to defend the incumbent and joined civilians in protesting the injustice for a day. That was the most peaceful day so far because everyone was united against the "dictator".
January 25th is the date the next president would have been sworn in if this one hadn't overstayed his turn. The opposition still has not accepted defeat. He is asking for a recount, but what they really need is a new, clean vote and that is not possible.
I don't know what the outcome will be. It looks like Juan Orlando will remain in power and things will be crazy for a while. Rumors abound. The latest rumor which started about a week ago is that the US Government helped rig the election. I've seen signs and comments on newspaper articles with Honduran people saying they want all US citizens out of their country. There have been big protests in front of the US embassy. In reality, I don't think the US has done anything at all, which also angers some Hondurans because they would like the US to come in and clean up this mess. In any case, I am glad I am not there.
I have to admit, it has been hard to start a new job with all of this on my mind. I am doing my best not to think about it during business hours, but it does weigh heavy on my heart and I don't sleep much at night. Since I am physically safe, I feel like I need to be an emotionally available for my Honduran friends to unburden themselves. They have nowhere else to go and nobody else who can really understand. I don't mean to complain. I want to support them. I am glad they trust and confide in me, but it is a heavy load to carry while I am trying to learn the ropes at my new job.
I leased a car. It was the only option since everything I have is tied up in Honduras. I'll go down as soon as it's safe (late February, I hope) to sell my stuff and say goodbye to everyone. For the first time ever, Fany wishes she could come to the US. Coworkers write daily and ask for prayers. Ana has been scared to death. She and some of the boys in Los Pinos say that area has been on fire for weeks.
People who love me are sad that I won't be a missionary in Honduras any more, but they are happy that I am safe and that things are working out well for me in the US. This is not at all what I expected when I packed my bags back in June, but I am happy to be here and supporting those I love in Honduras the best I can.
Please pray for the people there, the police and military who are fighting a war they don't believe in, and for justice. I'm worried there will be no peace without justice and there is no justice in sight.
Also, a good friend of mine has been living in horrible back pain for about two years. One year ago she had surgery, but it didn't help. She was about to have another surgery, but they cannot tell where the pain is coming from so they cancelled the surgery. She is frustrated, to say the least, as this surgery was supposed to be her best hope for relief. I imagine she is feeling pretty hopeless right now. Please pray for Lisa as you feel led.
I apologize that this is scattered and not well written. I am operating on very little sleep and trying to catch up on six months worth of news in one post. (Forgot to mention! I have a second job evenings and weekends editing a book for an interesting man who is about to publish his 13th novel. We have fun together and I am desperate for the money.) Overall, my life is good. But many around me are struggling. I am thankful for this healing process and to those of you who have helped me reach this point. Now if Honduras could just find peace. And I'd also like to see my family at some point too. All good things in all good time. Now I have to hurry up and fall asleep so I can wake up in three hours. Good night from a hilltop in New York. - ML
Thursday, July 20, 2017
One month back in the US
A month has already passed since I arrived in the US. This is exactly what I needed. God's plan is always perfect.
On the day I arrived I walked into my friend's house and found a photo which almost matches the image my friend made of me floating on the river, only of course my raft and I are not in the photo. More confirmation that I'm right where God wants me to be.
Not only do I have a free place to stay, I was also given a bike and a car to use while I'm here. I started out biking every day, despite lots of rain. That was how I first realized how jumpy and anxious, even scared, I am. While riding on dirt roads I traveled as a child, if a car pulled up behind me I feared they would kidnap me. Rationally I knew that was not likely. But the fear was still powerful. Then I started to notice that small things started me and noises made me jump. Twice I turned on the tv, then turn around and walk to the couch. When a woman's voice came from the tv behind me I jumped into the air, and my heart felt like I was having a heart attack. That's not normal. Especially twice in one day.
I am not more stressed out or scared to be here. I think it's because I am quiet and able to let down my guard that these things become more evident.
One day I stopped at a convenience store. It was full of men in military uniforms. In Honduras when there are that many people in military uniforms, something bad is happening or about to happen. I managed to remain calm outwardly, but inside I was extremely anxious being around that many men in military uniforms. At least they weren't carrying huge weapons like they do in Honduras.
Time after time a loud noise startles me and I jump. Then everyone else looks at me like I'm nuts. It happened yesterday at the fair when the man behind me swung the hammer to try to make the bell ring. The day before a man at the gym dropped his weights on the mats. A lady realized how started I was and reminded me that they are allowed to drop their weights like that. I know, but it doesn't startle me any less.
On the other hand, I am blessed to be in a house which felt like home the moment I walked in. There is a beautiful outside patio and huge green fields (which I mow every Saturday morning).
For most of my life I've woken up in the morning and wondered where in the world I am. It always takes me a minute to look around and figure out, okay, they are speaking Spanish. I am in Honduras and I am in my bed.
Here, I wake up in the morning and for the first time since I left my childhood home, I instantly know exactly where I am! I feel safe and secure and at peace, despite all of the outward anxiety. So, I am in the perfect place to process all of this stuff.
I sent out my monthly update explaining that I decided to seek counseling. People were so supportive! I got lots of emails saying they were glad I am taking care of myself.
I started the process before the 4th of July. Today is the big day. Psychologists will review my case and decide if they are able to treat me. I will hear from them sometime today with the answer.
I felt like God was telling me to go big in my prayers for this matter. While I don't believe I am entitled to free things, I believe He is asking me to pray that the counseling will be free. I am also praying that the therapist is Christian.
I saw my physical therapist who moved my ankle all around and told me that structurally my ankle is okay. The tape I was using in Honduras was not the right tape, which is why we did not see the improvement he expected. He is sending me another tape which will align my ankle correctly. Then I can work on strengthening while it is in correct alignment. Meanwhile I am working on balance and range of motion exercises. I overdid it this week and was more sore last night than I've been since February. I had to skip the gym yesterday. But I should be better once I get the right tape. I have another appointment with him next week.
Jetty is loving it here. She isn't used to having such a big house. At first she mostly stayed by my side. Now she is wandering off and exploring. She handled the 14 hour trip here like a pro and seems happy and relaxed. ♥
I am connecting with old friends and developing relationships with a few new people too. It's nice to relive old times with high school friends and also to see be a part of their lives now, with spouses and kids and careers. I never thought I'd be back here, in this place, with these people. But I love it! I came screaming and kicking, but now I know it's exactly where God wants me to be.
On the day I arrived I walked into my friend's house and found a photo which almost matches the image my friend made of me floating on the river, only of course my raft and I are not in the photo. More confirmation that I'm right where God wants me to be.
Not only do I have a free place to stay, I was also given a bike and a car to use while I'm here. I started out biking every day, despite lots of rain. That was how I first realized how jumpy and anxious, even scared, I am. While riding on dirt roads I traveled as a child, if a car pulled up behind me I feared they would kidnap me. Rationally I knew that was not likely. But the fear was still powerful. Then I started to notice that small things started me and noises made me jump. Twice I turned on the tv, then turn around and walk to the couch. When a woman's voice came from the tv behind me I jumped into the air, and my heart felt like I was having a heart attack. That's not normal. Especially twice in one day.
I am not more stressed out or scared to be here. I think it's because I am quiet and able to let down my guard that these things become more evident.
One day I stopped at a convenience store. It was full of men in military uniforms. In Honduras when there are that many people in military uniforms, something bad is happening or about to happen. I managed to remain calm outwardly, but inside I was extremely anxious being around that many men in military uniforms. At least they weren't carrying huge weapons like they do in Honduras.
Time after time a loud noise startles me and I jump. Then everyone else looks at me like I'm nuts. It happened yesterday at the fair when the man behind me swung the hammer to try to make the bell ring. The day before a man at the gym dropped his weights on the mats. A lady realized how started I was and reminded me that they are allowed to drop their weights like that. I know, but it doesn't startle me any less.
On the other hand, I am blessed to be in a house which felt like home the moment I walked in. There is a beautiful outside patio and huge green fields (which I mow every Saturday morning).
For most of my life I've woken up in the morning and wondered where in the world I am. It always takes me a minute to look around and figure out, okay, they are speaking Spanish. I am in Honduras and I am in my bed.
Here, I wake up in the morning and for the first time since I left my childhood home, I instantly know exactly where I am! I feel safe and secure and at peace, despite all of the outward anxiety. So, I am in the perfect place to process all of this stuff.
I sent out my monthly update explaining that I decided to seek counseling. People were so supportive! I got lots of emails saying they were glad I am taking care of myself.
I started the process before the 4th of July. Today is the big day. Psychologists will review my case and decide if they are able to treat me. I will hear from them sometime today with the answer.
I felt like God was telling me to go big in my prayers for this matter. While I don't believe I am entitled to free things, I believe He is asking me to pray that the counseling will be free. I am also praying that the therapist is Christian.
I saw my physical therapist who moved my ankle all around and told me that structurally my ankle is okay. The tape I was using in Honduras was not the right tape, which is why we did not see the improvement he expected. He is sending me another tape which will align my ankle correctly. Then I can work on strengthening while it is in correct alignment. Meanwhile I am working on balance and range of motion exercises. I overdid it this week and was more sore last night than I've been since February. I had to skip the gym yesterday. But I should be better once I get the right tape. I have another appointment with him next week.
Jetty is loving it here. She isn't used to having such a big house. At first she mostly stayed by my side. Now she is wandering off and exploring. She handled the 14 hour trip here like a pro and seems happy and relaxed. ♥
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Leaving Tegucigalpa |
I am connecting with old friends and developing relationships with a few new people too. It's nice to relive old times with high school friends and also to see be a part of their lives now, with spouses and kids and careers. I never thought I'd be back here, in this place, with these people. But I love it! I came screaming and kicking, but now I know it's exactly where God wants me to be.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Gotta try!
My heart hurts as I think about not being here for three whole months. Laura and Fany, my church, my home, my work and my coworkers, even my gym, the sights, the smells, the food! I'm going to miss it all. But I know this is a blessing and I will be grateful for this time to rest. A part of me already can't wait to come back home.
Sunday Laura and I baked cookies and spoke in English. Fany is amazed how much Laura can do when given the opportunity. Besides the hot stuff and getting out some of the lumps, Laura did it all on her own!
After the first pan came out of the oven, we grabbed a cup of milk and sat on the floor, eating cookies and watching the second pan bake. It was heaven! Not many people here drink milk. Laura didn't like it. She's accustomed to this weird milk that comes in a box with lots of chemicals so it will last forever. But real milk is still my favorite to accompany cookies.
I learned today that there will be no more swimming. I thought they'd go to the pool once more so I pushed them hard, trying to cram as much as possible into their last real class on Saturday. But they are having the final party at their community groups, not at the pool.
The important thing is that they did learn to swim. All but three are very competent. One boy was very scared. He did his best but never conquered his fears. Two girls chose to walk through the classes, rather than swim. It was interesting because their peers realized they were falling behind and encouraged them to try to swim. If nothing else, the peers learned a lesson. You can't learn if you don't try!
I started packing last night. It's hard to pack for Northern NY. I can't remember how to dress there. Even in the hottest weather, people here wear jeans. I'm sure I'll get rid of that habit much more quickly than I acquired it.
Today I went to immigration. They started the process for my residency card, but are sticking firm to the new law that you can't renew more than seven days in advance. The good part is, now that I've started the process I don't have to pay the big fine. The bad news is, they took my old residency card. The other good news is, a person can be in Honduras for 90 days as a "tourist". When I leave on Wednesday I'll have been here for 86 days since I traveled to Jamaica! God is looking over every single detail of this crazy trip.
Now I need to take a lesson from the two girls who walked instead of swimming. I need to dive in head first and learn everything that God has for me in this trip to New York.
Sunday Laura and I baked cookies and spoke in English. Fany is amazed how much Laura can do when given the opportunity. Besides the hot stuff and getting out some of the lumps, Laura did it all on her own!
After the first pan came out of the oven, we grabbed a cup of milk and sat on the floor, eating cookies and watching the second pan bake. It was heaven! Not many people here drink milk. Laura didn't like it. She's accustomed to this weird milk that comes in a box with lots of chemicals so it will last forever. But real milk is still my favorite to accompany cookies.
I learned today that there will be no more swimming. I thought they'd go to the pool once more so I pushed them hard, trying to cram as much as possible into their last real class on Saturday. But they are having the final party at their community groups, not at the pool.
The important thing is that they did learn to swim. All but three are very competent. One boy was very scared. He did his best but never conquered his fears. Two girls chose to walk through the classes, rather than swim. It was interesting because their peers realized they were falling behind and encouraged them to try to swim. If nothing else, the peers learned a lesson. You can't learn if you don't try!
I started packing last night. It's hard to pack for Northern NY. I can't remember how to dress there. Even in the hottest weather, people here wear jeans. I'm sure I'll get rid of that habit much more quickly than I acquired it.
Today I went to immigration. They started the process for my residency card, but are sticking firm to the new law that you can't renew more than seven days in advance. The good part is, now that I've started the process I don't have to pay the big fine. The bad news is, they took my old residency card. The other good news is, a person can be in Honduras for 90 days as a "tourist". When I leave on Wednesday I'll have been here for 86 days since I traveled to Jamaica! God is looking over every single detail of this crazy trip.
Now I need to take a lesson from the two girls who walked instead of swimming. I need to dive in head first and learn everything that God has for me in this trip to New York.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
No more loose ends
God is shutting things down for me in Honduras. It's pretty crazy.
I asked for prayer because I was really anxious about the idea of leaving several projects here, and this week God took care of every one of them.
Monday I ended up at the airport where I happened to mention to a lady that I may be stuck paying a large fine because the laws changed and I can't renew my residency card. She gave me paperwork to verify that I am leaving the country and will be back, sealed and signed. She says that document will keep me from paying the fine. I'm praying! We'll see on Monday.
Tuesday the psychologist and I finished the manual for our incest survivors group. The plan was for it to start in July, but her schedule is not open until October the support group can't start until after I get back!
Wednesday I got a message from my boss. She said that due to extenuating circumstances which have nothing to do with my leaving, the kids will have their last swimming class with me and a graduation the following week. The class is ending, but it's not because of my absence.
Thursday I tried to get cash from two cash machines, but kept getting a message to call my bank in the US. The bank swore there was nothing wrong with my card. My Mom went to the US bank and they said the funds are there, the card is fine, I should be able to withdraw money. The next day I tried again and couldn't get any money. I called the bank again. The lady was rude (I'll be leaving USBank as soon as I get back to the US) and told me there is nothing she can do for me. My being stranded in Honduras with no money was of no concern to her.
My Pastor offered to lend me cash to pay off my bills before I leave, so I was fine. But that experience was really frustrating. It seemed like a final sign that I should be heading for the US.
All of the loose ends are tied up. My work us finished until I get back. It's time to go to New York and see what God has in store for me there.
Some of you have been asking about my ankle. It is getting better. I've been driving for two weeks now. It does still hurt quite a bit sometimes, especially if I don't do my PT or on the days I teach swimming from the mixture of flutter kicking and jumping around. I'll be meeting with my friend who is a physical therapist when I get to the US to see what else I can do to heal.
A year ago in May was when I got Chikungunya. I still have the symptoms almost every day. They are worst first thing in the morning - especially in my fingers. On random days I have pain in my ankles, knees, elbows, back and shoulders. But that's unpredictable and less often than it used to be. I'm learning to live with it.
I asked for prayer because I was really anxious about the idea of leaving several projects here, and this week God took care of every one of them.
Monday I ended up at the airport where I happened to mention to a lady that I may be stuck paying a large fine because the laws changed and I can't renew my residency card. She gave me paperwork to verify that I am leaving the country and will be back, sealed and signed. She says that document will keep me from paying the fine. I'm praying! We'll see on Monday.
Tuesday the psychologist and I finished the manual for our incest survivors group. The plan was for it to start in July, but her schedule is not open until October the support group can't start until after I get back!
Wednesday I got a message from my boss. She said that due to extenuating circumstances which have nothing to do with my leaving, the kids will have their last swimming class with me and a graduation the following week. The class is ending, but it's not because of my absence.
Thursday I tried to get cash from two cash machines, but kept getting a message to call my bank in the US. The bank swore there was nothing wrong with my card. My Mom went to the US bank and they said the funds are there, the card is fine, I should be able to withdraw money. The next day I tried again and couldn't get any money. I called the bank again. The lady was rude (I'll be leaving USBank as soon as I get back to the US) and told me there is nothing she can do for me. My being stranded in Honduras with no money was of no concern to her.
My Pastor offered to lend me cash to pay off my bills before I leave, so I was fine. But that experience was really frustrating. It seemed like a final sign that I should be heading for the US.
All of the loose ends are tied up. My work us finished until I get back. It's time to go to New York and see what God has in store for me there.
Some of you have been asking about my ankle. It is getting better. I've been driving for two weeks now. It does still hurt quite a bit sometimes, especially if I don't do my PT or on the days I teach swimming from the mixture of flutter kicking and jumping around. I'll be meeting with my friend who is a physical therapist when I get to the US to see what else I can do to heal.
A year ago in May was when I got Chikungunya. I still have the symptoms almost every day. They are worst first thing in the morning - especially in my fingers. On random days I have pain in my ankles, knees, elbows, back and shoulders. But that's unpredictable and less often than it used to be. I'm learning to live with it.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
My bank account is going down at a record rate because I have to pay all of my bills now through October. It's never been this low before and I always swore I'd never let it get this low. There is no end in sight. I have to admit I'm stressed.
I know the cost of living will be higher during my time in the US than it is here. Here I live on beans, fruit and homemade soups where I throw everything in the kitchen into a crockpot. I'd like to cancel my trip and just stay here. But I can't. I have to believe that God planned this trip for a reason and it's not to leave me broke.
One good thing is that Impacto Juvenil has officially put me on staff as a volunteer and volunteers get paid $55.31 per month. I appreciate every penny! Just got my second payment. Every bit helps. I also have to fill out a schedule now, which is good because I don't think my boss realized exactly how much I am working.
Today one of my coworkers thanked me for all I do. I told her thank you, casually. She stopped me and said, "No. Really. I want you to listen and hear this. You always offer to help us, all of us. You ask us what we need and you are willing to help in any way that we need you. I am grateful for you and your work." The woman next to her said she agreed. I thanked them very sincerely. I am glad they know they can count on me!
I'm disappointed the swimming class is going to end when I leave. The lady who started it only came one and 1/2 times out of the 8 scheduled classes. We were supposed to have 20 classes but my boss said in two weeks we will celebrate with a cake and end the class until I return. That swimming class and the pilot project for sexually abused women make me wish I weren't going back to the US right now. Plus my bank account...
It looks like the donor who donated all of the books for one community library may help us with a library in Los Pinos! I sent her video of the kids all reading. Last night she said she will need more information but I am very hopeful. Praying! Last time she sent a HUGE box of awesome books. They were books I never would have chosen, but they were exactly what the kids needed. Thus, she is in library ministry and I am not - Hahaha!
Being in Los Pinos Saturday was great! I had been so worried about Misael looking scrawny, but he is growing and looks healthy. His sister is gorgeous and super healthy too. The most surprising part was Lorenzo, his brothers and cousins. They have all been in tutoring with my coworker and their families are working hard in therapy with our psychologist. For the first time, they have clean clothes and clean bodies.
I told Tania that I am happy to see the way she is taking care of her clothes and her body. Her sandals were new and pretty. She wiped the dirt off them as she played. Her physical boundaries seem to be better too. I asked how she has changed so much and she told me, "Talking with (my coworker who is a psychologist)." She sees the changes too!
But there is still a lot more work to do. About a year ago the psychologist assessed that her younger brother would be best off in a residential treatment program. He was tiny and spending too much time on the streets. He used to be completely wild. But they see great changes in him because of the treatment he has received. Now he is studious and calm. Even his physical features have changed and there is a light is his eyes that was absent before. The change in him has been incredible. It's almost time for him to move back home.
I am afraid that he will regress when he comes back to Los Pinos and is introduced to the same environment. But the therapist has been working hard with his family to teach them how to put structure and limits in place. They said personal hygiene suffered for lack of water, but they worked that out too! I am happy and very pleased to see the huge steps those families have taken. They are still a work in progress, but it is extremely satisfying to know that they are finally receiving the help and support they always needed and deserved.
I know the cost of living will be higher during my time in the US than it is here. Here I live on beans, fruit and homemade soups where I throw everything in the kitchen into a crockpot. I'd like to cancel my trip and just stay here. But I can't. I have to believe that God planned this trip for a reason and it's not to leave me broke.
One good thing is that Impacto Juvenil has officially put me on staff as a volunteer and volunteers get paid $55.31 per month. I appreciate every penny! Just got my second payment. Every bit helps. I also have to fill out a schedule now, which is good because I don't think my boss realized exactly how much I am working.
Today one of my coworkers thanked me for all I do. I told her thank you, casually. She stopped me and said, "No. Really. I want you to listen and hear this. You always offer to help us, all of us. You ask us what we need and you are willing to help in any way that we need you. I am grateful for you and your work." The woman next to her said she agreed. I thanked them very sincerely. I am glad they know they can count on me!
I'm disappointed the swimming class is going to end when I leave. The lady who started it only came one and 1/2 times out of the 8 scheduled classes. We were supposed to have 20 classes but my boss said in two weeks we will celebrate with a cake and end the class until I return. That swimming class and the pilot project for sexually abused women make me wish I weren't going back to the US right now. Plus my bank account...
It looks like the donor who donated all of the books for one community library may help us with a library in Los Pinos! I sent her video of the kids all reading. Last night she said she will need more information but I am very hopeful. Praying! Last time she sent a HUGE box of awesome books. They were books I never would have chosen, but they were exactly what the kids needed. Thus, she is in library ministry and I am not - Hahaha!
Being in Los Pinos Saturday was great! I had been so worried about Misael looking scrawny, but he is growing and looks healthy. His sister is gorgeous and super healthy too. The most surprising part was Lorenzo, his brothers and cousins. They have all been in tutoring with my coworker and their families are working hard in therapy with our psychologist. For the first time, they have clean clothes and clean bodies.
I told Tania that I am happy to see the way she is taking care of her clothes and her body. Her sandals were new and pretty. She wiped the dirt off them as she played. Her physical boundaries seem to be better too. I asked how she has changed so much and she told me, "Talking with (my coworker who is a psychologist)." She sees the changes too!
But there is still a lot more work to do. About a year ago the psychologist assessed that her younger brother would be best off in a residential treatment program. He was tiny and spending too much time on the streets. He used to be completely wild. But they see great changes in him because of the treatment he has received. Now he is studious and calm. Even his physical features have changed and there is a light is his eyes that was absent before. The change in him has been incredible. It's almost time for him to move back home.
I am afraid that he will regress when he comes back to Los Pinos and is introduced to the same environment. But the therapist has been working hard with his family to teach them how to put structure and limits in place. They said personal hygiene suffered for lack of water, but they worked that out too! I am happy and very pleased to see the huge steps those families have taken. They are still a work in progress, but it is extremely satisfying to know that they are finally receiving the help and support they always needed and deserved.
Working on the community project in the shop of a man who agreed to donate his time |
Clean Lorenzo with his hair cut and combed! |
David hard at work. His hands were pure black. |
I got lots of hugs |
There is a small library in the office The kids who weren't working were reading |
And writing |
And reading and writing |
♥♥♥ |
Look at this tall, healthy girl! So beautiful. And Ana serving the food for the clubs. |
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Quick Catch Up
Lots of good stuff going on. So much that I have no time to write. I'm working seven days each week and when I get home at night I'm editing photos and writing articles until 10 pm.
On Monday the full-time staff and I went to a local water park for a work retreat. Sometimes I feel a little guilty when I'm included in things like that because the other volunteers and even the part time employees can't go. But they recognize that I work as much as the full time employees and this is one way they can compensate me. I make sure they know that I appreciate it!
In the morning we did team building stuff. Then we swam all afternoon. It was a huge, beautiful place and we had it all to ourselves! Nobody else was there. It rained for a while, but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits. We had a great time!
I was the only person who wore a bathing suit to swim. The other ladies all wore tight shorts. How uncomfortable. But they said they would be more uncomfortable showing their legs. Cultural differences.
I taught three of my coworkers to swim. They were so excited and proud of themselves! The one I call "Star" in this blog didn't want to get out of the pool when it was time to leave. Hahaha! She's usually big for following rules but everyone else was changing their clothes and there is Star, floating on her back with a big smile on her face.
The swimming class for the kids is going well. My boss went last week to observe. She left "enchanted", she said, with what I am doing. She finally understands that I really need another instructor to help out.
Some of the kids are already swimming freestyle and some still haven't mastered the flutter kick. If I help the slower kids, then the more advanced kids are bored. But if I work at the advanced kids' pace, the others are totally lost. With such a large (19 kids) and diverse group, we would all be better off with at least one more instructor.
Out of 8 weeks of class, the lady who was supposed to be in charge has only been there 1 & 1/2 times. I'm not counting on her help at all at this point. But the kids are learning, they are safe, and they are having a great time. That is what's important!
They are finally comfortable in their bathing suits too. That was probably the biggest challenge of all. And they are wearing their swim caps. I need to come up with money to buy them goggles. I told them I couldn't look into googles until they can use their swim caps correctly and they've fulfilled their end of the deal. This pool hurts my eyes more than any other pool I've ever set foot in. It doesn't seem to have too much chlorine because I don't smell chlorine, but for some reason it burns your eyes to the point that you absolutely cannot open them without goggles. I'd like to figure out how to fix the ph of the water because the bottom of the pool is slippery with some sort of slime. But in the meantime, the kids need goggles.
They made me super proud when my boss visited. They counted out loud for our warm up exercises, they waited to get into the water until they had permission, they only went into the areas we are allowed to use, and they all participated for the whole class. I was extra grateful for their good behavior this week!
Last week was the start of construction projects in the communities. On Monday my community began the first round of projects. Everyone was a little cautious because the area where we started has had a lot of deaths lately. Here, if more than one person dies, it is called a "massacre", which in English sounds very dramatic. But Hondurans tend to be dramatic. Anyway, there have been several massacres lately right where we were building three water pilas and one latrine.
I was supposed to get photos of before and after. I knew not to bring my camera, because that would make me a mark in the future if people think I walk around with a camera. I brought my cell phone and everyone was taking pictures, so I didn't stand out anymore than usual. But they wouldn't even let me go to two of the four houses because it was too "ugly" (dangerous). My boss is going to be disappointed, but all of the families and coworkers agreed. My coworkers didn't go down there either. In fact they had a fit that I went to two of the four houses. But I felt safe surrounded by all of the workers.
Enough procrastinating. Time to get to work on the manual for the group for incest survivors. Soon I'll be hopping on a plane bound for the US for three months. I don't want to go with so many cool things going on here. But I'm making the most of every minute in the meantime and there's a lot to look forward to when I come back.
On Monday the full-time staff and I went to a local water park for a work retreat. Sometimes I feel a little guilty when I'm included in things like that because the other volunteers and even the part time employees can't go. But they recognize that I work as much as the full time employees and this is one way they can compensate me. I make sure they know that I appreciate it!
In the morning we did team building stuff. Then we swam all afternoon. It was a huge, beautiful place and we had it all to ourselves! Nobody else was there. It rained for a while, but that didn't dampen anyone's spirits. We had a great time!
I was the only person who wore a bathing suit to swim. The other ladies all wore tight shorts. How uncomfortable. But they said they would be more uncomfortable showing their legs. Cultural differences.
I taught three of my coworkers to swim. They were so excited and proud of themselves! The one I call "Star" in this blog didn't want to get out of the pool when it was time to leave. Hahaha! She's usually big for following rules but everyone else was changing their clothes and there is Star, floating on her back with a big smile on her face.
The swimming class for the kids is going well. My boss went last week to observe. She left "enchanted", she said, with what I am doing. She finally understands that I really need another instructor to help out.
Some of the kids are already swimming freestyle and some still haven't mastered the flutter kick. If I help the slower kids, then the more advanced kids are bored. But if I work at the advanced kids' pace, the others are totally lost. With such a large (19 kids) and diverse group, we would all be better off with at least one more instructor.
Out of 8 weeks of class, the lady who was supposed to be in charge has only been there 1 & 1/2 times. I'm not counting on her help at all at this point. But the kids are learning, they are safe, and they are having a great time. That is what's important!
They are finally comfortable in their bathing suits too. That was probably the biggest challenge of all. And they are wearing their swim caps. I need to come up with money to buy them goggles. I told them I couldn't look into googles until they can use their swim caps correctly and they've fulfilled their end of the deal. This pool hurts my eyes more than any other pool I've ever set foot in. It doesn't seem to have too much chlorine because I don't smell chlorine, but for some reason it burns your eyes to the point that you absolutely cannot open them without goggles. I'd like to figure out how to fix the ph of the water because the bottom of the pool is slippery with some sort of slime. But in the meantime, the kids need goggles.
They made me super proud when my boss visited. They counted out loud for our warm up exercises, they waited to get into the water until they had permission, they only went into the areas we are allowed to use, and they all participated for the whole class. I was extra grateful for their good behavior this week!
Last week was the start of construction projects in the communities. On Monday my community began the first round of projects. Everyone was a little cautious because the area where we started has had a lot of deaths lately. Here, if more than one person dies, it is called a "massacre", which in English sounds very dramatic. But Hondurans tend to be dramatic. Anyway, there have been several massacres lately right where we were building three water pilas and one latrine.
I was supposed to get photos of before and after. I knew not to bring my camera, because that would make me a mark in the future if people think I walk around with a camera. I brought my cell phone and everyone was taking pictures, so I didn't stand out anymore than usual. But they wouldn't even let me go to two of the four houses because it was too "ugly" (dangerous). My boss is going to be disappointed, but all of the families and coworkers agreed. My coworkers didn't go down there either. In fact they had a fit that I went to two of the four houses. But I felt safe surrounded by all of the workers.
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This is one of the girls in the club. She was wearing flip flops, so she kicked them off to haul heavy bags of cement. Her house is far and down a steep path. |
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This part is paved, but the rest is not |
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Heading down the path to two of the homes |
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It's steep and rocky! |
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The whole community got involved |
Enough procrastinating. Time to get to work on the manual for the group for incest survivors. Soon I'll be hopping on a plane bound for the US for three months. I don't want to go with so many cool things going on here. But I'm making the most of every minute in the meantime and there's a lot to look forward to when I come back.
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