There was another new boy in the preschool class and Crystal is now coming regularly. Memo is so darn funny I have a hard time maintaining the same expectations for him as I have for the other kids. I need to be more consistent with him. We are still working on colors. Misael is still at the top of the class. He knows almost all of his colors. Crystal only knows "yellow" which she cannot say in Spanish, only in English. Very strange. Memo knows a few and the others have no clue. Today I had them running around the classroom bringing me things that were whatever color I called out. Then we read a book about colors and identified objects that are typical of that color. It is good for Misa to know more than the other kids. He does not learn easily, so this should boost his confidence.
I stopped at the pharmacy to get more prednizone for Jetty. The lady next to me asked if the medicine was for me. I was embarrassed to say that it was for my cat. She told me that she asked because she takes the medicine for asthma. I told her that my cat has asthma too. Later I told Jairo about the conversation. He said, "Right now that lady is telling her family - You won't believe what happened today! There was a gringa at the pharmacia buying medicine for her CAT!" He said they are all having a good laugh about the gringa giving pills to a cat. I'm sure he is right.
I talked to him about the fact that there were NO police road blocks today. There are always at least two. He said that the police are very busy protecting all of the North Americans who are in Honduras for "One Nation, One Day". He said that it is difficult because the police are exhausted and cannot do their jobs because they are having to follow around the large groups of North Americans. Then the North Americans get a false sense of security and go home saying that Honduras is very safe, when actually they were not here under normal circumstances. He asked if I had read the press release that talked about rising violence and that NO place is safe - even the tourist areas that used to be considered reasonably safe. Rather than advising people to stay out of certain specific areas they are advising people not to walk alone at all, no matter where they are.
Jairo said he is happy I have my Honduran driver's license now. He said that although it was legal for me to drive before, the police can always hassle me. He told me if I ever get stopped by police to immediately call a church member for help and NEVER go anywhere with the police. (People are getting killed by men posing as police.) He said to tell them kindly that I need to call the US Embassy and I will wait in my car until someone is able to come and be with me. I have seen how fast people from the church respond to situations like this. Even after Jairo leaves, if I were to ever have a problem there are many people I can call who would be there immediately to help me. But I do need to look up the 24 hour phone line for the US Embassy so I have it programmed into my phone.
Jairo and Lourdes made chop suey for Josselyn's boyfriend, Geral's birthday tonight. It was delicious! While we were waiting for the food to be done, Jairo turned on some traditional music and was dancing in the living room. Then Lourdes joined him. Soon we were all dancing. Lourdes even dragged Walter up to dance. He HATES dancing and always refuses to join in. Joss danced with her Dad, Lourdes with Walter, and I danced with Joss's boyfriend, Geral. He is a great dancer. We danced until we were all sweaty and out of breath. Lourdes told Walter that this could be his new exercise regime. He didn't bother to answer her.
Lourdes gave me the coolest earring holder. It is a piece of plastic that you use for embroidery or something, hanging from a pants hanger. The plastic has holes that are perfect to stick earrings through and the hanger has a hook in the middle where I hung necklaces that match the earrings. I love it!
After we sang happy birthday and ate tres leches cake with ice cream and chocolate wafers, it was time for Jairo to take Geral, Belinda and her kids back down to the city. I stayed with Lourdes and talked with her about the boys who are going, and will go next year, to the private school in Olancho. Next year there should be 14 boys! I want to be a part of helping with them after Lourdes moves. I have already helped with parts of the work - there is a lot to do. Lourdes said it is part of Belinda's job description, but I told her I would like to do as much as I can. Lourdes got out her sewing machine and took in a pair of shorts for me that were too big. Finally Jairo came home and I realized it was 11pm, so I headed home.
When I got home I noticed that something had gnawed a big hole in a bag of bread on the kitchen table and eaten a lot of the bread. I was disgusted. At first I thought it was a very big and very hungry rat. Then I noticed that a window screen was open. Yesterday that same screen was open when I got back from eating lunch with my landlords. Apparently something is coming inside my house and eating my bread! I called Joss and told her I was worried the thing was still in the house! Jairo said it is some animal I never heard of before. It left the broccoli and green pepper that were sitting on the table next to the bread. It didn't gnaw into the dry cat food that was stored on the floor right next to the table! Jairo said I need to be really careful because this animal eats chickens, cats and small dogs! And it was sitting on my kitchen table!!! I certainly hope it left. I also hope it can't climb the spiral staircase. But now you know why I am doing a blog entry at 2:30 in the morning. Ugh. I am not ready to close my eyes and sleep yet.
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Dancing with Javier at Joss's party. He is a really good dancer. |
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Heber, Javier and Kike at Joss's party Each of these boys serve at the Breakfast Program |
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