One more week left in the states. Here are some highlights of my trip so far:
The first week I spent in Denver. I had Ethiopian food with my friend Julia. Got to babysit my nephew Joey one morning. Went Christmas shopping with my Mom, then out for Thai food for lunch.
It was Jack's birthday and we went to a Christmas party which the boys loved.
Jack blowing out the candles with a little help from his friend Tess |
Joey and Santa |
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Jack and Santa |
The second week I went to Salt Lake. The first day I met with church leadership at my home church. It was nice to share the latest news from Honduras with them. From there I met with people who are working on plans for the next teams who will visit. I had dinner with my friend at my favorite Thai in SLC and got to meet her husband for the first time. Then I was invited to visit a small group in the evening.
I got to see my friend Kate's daughter and visit with Kate and her husband for a while.
Kate's daughter Samantha |
Had dinner with Robin, who used to mentor me. It was great to catch up with her about all that has happened since we last saw each other when she visited Honduras with the team in October.
Another night I had dinner with my friend Heather, who is one of my closest friends in Salt Lake. It was a perfect girls' night out. We had lots of things to celebrate and catch up on.
During the day I received prayer ministry. It was helpful in several ways. God showed me a pattern that I have been living since I was very young which is not serving me well. In fact it was hurting me. At the end a lady from my church prayed over me. She said that God has plans for me which are big things that I have not even thought of yet.
I have numerous friends here, in the US, who are unemployed. I see them stressed out and anxious. But if God's plans for me are things I can't even think of, then there is no sense in even trying to figure out what He has for me. I can just relax, keep myself open to all opportunities, seek after God and see what He shows me.
My friend Jody had an open house in Salt Lake for people who wanted to stop by and see me. I got to spend quality time with people from my small group in my home church.
It was a busy, busy week. I had every minute from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. scheduled with something. In the end I got to see everyone and had lots of good quality time with most. It was nice.
Everyone in Utah commented that I looked more relaxed than they have ever seen me. They said they can see a physical change in my face and my eyes shine more brightly. When I told my mother that people in Utah had noticed a change in me, my mother said she can see that I am happier than she has known me to be since I was 10 or 12 years old.
I think the change in me is due to the prayer and classes I received in Honduras and time with God I spent before I came to the states. I have really, truly learned to put my life in His hands, which leaves nothing for me to worry about or try to control. What a relief!
I did notice when I returned from Utah to Colorado I was craving alone time with God. All of the socializing in SLC was great but I was missing my alone time.
Back in Denver I have been spending time with my nephews. Reading good night books to them is one of my favorite times with them. My brother and I went up to the mountains and skied together one day. That was one of my highlights so far. I love skiing with my brother.
We tried to take my nephews skiing yesterday, but the traffic was horrible. After spending three hours in the car we were still an hour away. Finally we decided to turn back. I was wishing we could get a hotel room and ski the next morning, but I forgot the importance of sleeping with stuffed animals. For them, being able to sleep with Woody and Peace, outweighed a powder day in the mountains. So we turned around and went home and I never got to see my nephews ski. We did, however, stop for Indian food which was the last thing I was craving that I can't get in Honduras.
Joey when we first headed out |
Joey as we returned home He said, "At least we got to dress like skiers!" |
Three big horned sheep we saw while we were stopped on the highway |
For the first time in my life I have my Christmas presents wrapped before Christmas Eve!
One friend is coming to Denver on Christmas day for three days and another is arriving on Christmas day for five days, so I am looking forward to spending time with each of them.
Yesterday as we sat at my brother's house, relaxing after the drive, the snow storm that was in the mountains arrived at his house. The whole front of his house is windows. I loved sitting and watching the snow fall outside. I could do that for hours. It was exactly what I miss about snowy days.
You can't quite see how hard the snow was falling. |
Christmas has not come yet, but I have already done everything I was hoping to do. The ministry I received was awesome. I've had every type of food that I miss when I am in Honduras. Once I see my two friends who get to Denver on Christmas day, I will have fulfilled every wish I had for this time in the US.
I talk to friends in Honduras almost every night, which keeps me from feeling too homesick. It is nice to know I am still thought of and missed, even after I've been gone almost a month. I've been getting sweet emails from my new friends down there and chat on FB with other friends. Fany, who is taking care of Jetty, sends me pictures of Laura and Jetty every few days. It's almost like having a pet cam!
Looking forward to dinner tonight with my Mom and Brother at a fun Moroccan place in Denver, then time with my friends who arrive Christmas day, Christmas with my nephews, and hopefully one more day of skiing before I head back to Honduras. This has been the least stressful time I have ever spent in the US. Not sure if it is my new attitude, or just the way everything is falling into place. But it has been lovely so far and Christmas has yet to arrive.