Saturday, October 3, 2015

Carne Asada at Alas de Aguilas

Today was our big event to raise money for the church. We did have some meat left over, which we can sell tomorrow after the service. But we sold out of plates, chismol, sausage, beef and Coke. I hope you enjoy these photos. It was cool to see everyone working as a team. Some of these ladies have been working since yesterday. I am too tired to write.

Beans, a piece of cheese, beef (or pork if you choose) and chismol

Pork and chorizo on the grill

Nidia, Jorge S. and me hailing traffic

Not so bad being bum rushed when it's by cute kids

Advertising in the rain

We need more chismol!

Coke to go - in a bag. This is very typical here.
You bite off the corner and suck on the bag of Coke.

Two satisfied customers

These two worked into the night

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