I almost missed my flight from Denver to Miami last night. The line at security was horrible. Like, an hour and 45 minutes long, horrible. People around me stood in line as their boarding time came and passed, then their flight departed, and they still hadn't made it through security. Hundreds and hundreds of people went nowhere due to lack of TSA staff.
I made it to the gate 8 minutes after my flight was first due to leave, but I had learned as I got in the car to go to the airport that my flight was a half hour late. I was one of the few people in that line who actually caught my flight, only because my flight was postponed.
Looking back, I can't pick out one specific best moment from my trip. I loved seeing my friends in Chicago for the first time in 20 years. Skiing with my nephews for the first time was awesome! Serving at the food pantry with my Mom was fun. Watching the snow fall and sledding at my brother's house was perfect. My friend Jody set up a surprise that was very special in Salt Lake. I had a great time at my favorite Indian restaurant in Salt Lake with friends and Ethiopian food with Mom in Denver. Yes, Ethiopian food with Mom was definitely a highlight. The food was the best Ethiopian I've ever had, the place was super cute, and it was a nice, quiet, relaxing time with Mom.
After spending this afternoon unpacking and settling in, it's finally sinking in that I am back in Honduras. This visit was the longest I've spent in the US. I got used to speaking English and flushing my TP. I am really happy to be back home, but I'd love one more hug with my Mom or one more snuggle with Jack.
Tomorrow I'll get back into the swing of things, but for today I am still holding on to special moments with family and friends in the US.
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