Literacy class today was extraordinary for several reasons. We found our lost sheep. We had lots of visitors, and we have one more reader! Plus another student is sounding out syllables really well.
My coworker and I went up early because one student missed four classes. She was out of town for three weeks, but last week she was in town and didn't show up. I was surprised because she has always been one of the most prompt and motivated students. I asked my coworker if we could climb the mountain early and pass by her house before the class to see what is going on. I thought maybe, after missing four weeks, she could be afraid to come back.
My Chikungunya was more painful than normal this morning and my legs were wobbly as we climbed. I was in a cleaning mood when I woke up, so I found clothes I don't use and hauled them along with me. Eventually we made it to the tippy, tippy top of the mountain and my coworker pointed out the house. The back was all sheet metal. I asked if I could come inside and was eagerly welcomed. It was one of the most humble homes I have ever visited. But the owner was very proud. She was excited to show us around her home.
Front of house It's on the edge of the mountain so I couldn't back up for a wider view |
The view from window in the photo above is gorgeous. It feels so peaceful. |
The bathroom below |
The kitchen and handmade oven |
Mud bricks to build walls |
When there is no running water... |
She said she intended to come to class today. I still have my doubts, but she came and was able to almost catch up with the rest of the group. She started reading today! She also brought her niece. Our lost sheep is found, plus she brought a guest, and she is doing well.
Not only did we have a niece visiting, another student brought her husband who visits when he is free, and another lady brought her son. One student wasn't able to be there because her son is in the hospital. Otherwise, we had a full house. I love the fact that the students are comfortable enough and have the desire to invite their family to class.
Full house! |
After hiking up to her house, I am even more surprised that she carries her own desk to class |
The desk was a handy place for my coworker to give extra tutoring |
Guest #1 - son of the lady above and photographer during class |
Guest #2 Husband supporting his wife |
Guest #3 Niece helping her Aunt |
Here we are! Minus one student who is camera shy and one who couldn't attend today |
I love this family |
They spend a lot of time hauling wood for their oven |
The kitchen |
At the end of the day my coworker and our security guards stopped by my house. With Fany's permission the guard climbed our mango tree and tossed mangos down to our driver. The mangos were rotting and falling to the ground, where they stunk and collected bugs. I was happy to see them go to good use! Everyone left with a big bag of mangos and Fany got a big basket full. The tree is still really full, but we got all that were ready and within reach today. Avocados will be ripe soon!
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