Yesterday as I was walking around, cleaning up, I passed by Lorenzo sitting on the steps to Jairo's office. He looked sad. And dirty. He usually looks dirty, but sad is unusual. I sat down and put my arm around him. Lorenzo LOVES physical affection. He can't get enough hugs. And now that we have given him enough uniforms and clothes he usually doesn't smell bad, so you don't have to smell like stinky, dirty boy for the rest of the day if you hug him.
I hugged him and rubbed his back, but he just sat there looking upset. I asked what was wrong. He didn't speak. Then his partner in crime (literally), Maria Angelica, came and sat on the other side of him. She asked what was wrong too, but still he stared straight ahead. So I hugged him and held him for a few minutes. Don Juan came by. He squatted down and looked at Lorenzo eye level. He asked if someone had hit him. (I think he was referring to someone at home.) Still no response. (I always look for signs of physical abuse, but have never seen any.)
Lorenzo during free time in the preschool class |
Lorenzo is a skinny little guy. He is always dirty. He is extremely malnourished. He is, as my mother would say, "A Love". He very short and only has clothes that fit him if the church provides them. I think Lorenzo is wonderful.
This man had to change his shirt after this picture because it smelled so strongly |
So Lorenzo, Maria Angelica and I sat on the step. (I often think about what will happen to Lorenzo and Maria Angelica when it is no longer "cool" to have a girl for your best friend. I had a boy for my best friend from the time were were babies until fourth grade. He moved away from my neighborhood, but stayed in the same school. We grew apart and that was hard for me. I hope Lorenzo and Maria Angelica can manage to maintain some sort of relationship as they get older.)
I asked Lorenzo if he was angry. Nothing. Then I asked if he was angry with me, since he wasn't responding to me. Finally acknowledgement. He looked up at me and smiled, then looked down. He wasn't mad at me. I hugged him for a while longer. Then it was time for him to go.
Today Lorenzo sat next to me in the prayer circle. Before I even realized he was there he took my arm and draped it around his shoulders just like yesterday. I looked over and saw little Lorenzo looking up at me from under my arm. I gave him a real hug. He held my other hand - the one that wasn't hugging him - on his lap. As I spoke to the group about today's expectations he opened his tiny hand, placed my thumb so it filled his palm, rubbed my painted thumbnail with tenderness, then closed his whole hand around my thumb. It was so beautiful! I love Lorenzo. I am going to be more intentional about hugging him each day. Hugs are like nourishment for Lorenzo.
Lorenzo got over his fear of water! |
Lorenzo and Merlin are Kings for a day! |
Because of his size, at 8 Lorenzo is still able to sneak into the preschool class |
Lorenzo in his Honduras fútbol uniform from K2! |
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