Welcome to my 900th post! This blog has really taken off lately. I'm very happy to report that we average about 350 readers now. Today alone we have almost 1000 and it's only noon! WOW!
Friday morning I decided abruptly to have a day without any communication outside of email. I logged out of Facebook, and put my phone away. It felt so good I continued Saturday and Sunday ignoring WhatsApp and Messenger.
This morning I figured I better check my messages before the mass accumulation became too overwhelming. I was also worried about my church, since there were over 100 from the women's church group alone.
The group messages were mostly people sending smiley faces and thumbs up signs. Honduran women love those cartoon character messenges. They can carry on long "conversations" with no words, just silly faces.
At least the church was fine. Last week we got to church to find a thief had broken in through a window during the night and stolen our musical equipment! It was quite a feat considering we are on the second floor and the first floor is extra tall because it's built to drive tractor trailers inside. I was worried he returned and stole the rest of the church's possessions.
I got back to the two people who asked about my ankle, called my Mom, and now my phone is hidden away again. Sometimes it's nice to hide away from the crappy things that are going on in the world right now.
So, here's a little wrap up. The day I got off bed rest I went to work for three hours. The three hours were spent seated, with my foot elevated. When I got home I was in a lot of pain and my ankle was swollen more than usual. I rested Friday. Saturday I went to a church meeting where I sat for two hours. During the meeting my foot swelled and hurt a lot by the time I got home. Sunday I went to church. Three hours later my ankle was killing me. I did move around at church, taking some photos, and standing during the standing parts. Monday I went to work. After sitting for two hours in meetings my ankle was bursting out of my shoe and hurt a lot. Tuesday I rested but was still in pain.
Wednesday I sent my doctor a photo of the ankle which I took after work on Monday. I explained that every time I do anything, even for only 2-3 hours, my ankle swells and hurt. He said I could come in for a consult if I'd like to, but that this is normal. He said to ice it and go back on bed rest for a week or two. It just needs more time to heal.
I've been back on bed rest again for 5 days now. This morning I woke up and it was much less swollen so I was going to go for a little walk. I showered. By the time I got out of the shower it was reddish purple and swollen again. Frustrating!
I may go for a walk tomorrow, just to get things moving a little and see how I do. I want to see how I feel JUST walking, without driving. I think it's the clutch that is bothering my foot more than anything, so I figure that will be a good test.
This week is a missionary retreat. I had to give up my spot to someone else. That was a bummer. I never usually see North Americans (besides Molly). I was looking forward to some time to sing in English and eat North American food. Oh well.
Fany has been out of town a lot. While Laura is on vacation from school they try to spend as much time as possible with her husband's family. It gets a little boring around here without them. Good thing I enjoy alone time.
Fany says Don Chano is still in a lot of pain from falling off the horse. He was a perfect patient when he was here with Fany. Now that he is at home with his wife he is demanding and grumpy. He's not used to resting.
Lately I've spent a lot of time working on my taxes, reading and coloring in my adult coloring book.
I sent some extra school supplies that I had sitting around the house to Ana yesterday. Fany delivered them for me. I hope once she has donations from the government and from Impacto Juvenil that she will have most everything she needs.
I also sent a stuffed animal for Isa. We were supposed to celebrate her birthday last week, but Isa was sick on her birthday. We rescheduled for the day after, but she was still sick. Then I got put back on bed rest and the boys started school so we had to put off the celebration. Ana says Isa undertands. I sure hope so.
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